Severe Health Risks Associated with Diet Soda and Artificial Sweeteners

Severe Health Risks Associated with Diet Soda and Artificial Sweeteners

Researchers have been studying the health effects of artificial sweeteners for years; unfortunately, most of the findings show that they are very detrimental to human health. One of the most interesting findings is that artificial sweeteners can actually increase our desire to eat, increase cravings and lead to weight gain; this flies in the face of why most people consume artificial sweeteners, that is, to lose weight. Many studies have shown this to be true, and at least one of the mechanisms thought to cause this weight gain is dysregulation of the how our body controls blood sugar. Now, new research is showing artificial sweeteners can have even more far reaching detrimental effects on our health. (more…)

How the Brain Responds to Artificial Sweeteners

How the Brain Responds to Artificial Sweeteners

There have now been studies on over 100,000 people (!) that show that the consumption of artificial sweeteners  leads to weight gain. Researchers have been investigating this counter-intuitive phenomena for decades with some very interesting results. However, one of the newer discoveries has to do with how artificial sweeteners affect brain signaling. As it turns out, these effects can have a dramatic impact on our appetite. (more…)

Antioxidants Role in Health – Part 1: The Need

Antioxidants Role in Health – Part 1: The Need

As we go through life, we are literally bombarded (both inside and out) by tiny packets of unstable energy (molecules) called free radicals. These free radicals come from many places. The environment around us supplies a steady dose of free radicals from such things as ultraviolet (UV) light, radiation, cigarette smoke and pollution. However, many free radicals also come from within us, due to inflammation and even day-to-day metabolism. (more…)

Why Am I Not Getting Better?

Why Am I Not Getting Better?

On occasion, a client will come in after a few weeks or months and say something like “I’ve been doing this for ‘x’ amount of time and I’m not seeing any results”; this inevitably leads to a discussion as to what they are doing exactly to try and determine if we are missing something. A majority of the time, when we begin asking specific questions about what they are doing, we find that they are not following their recommended plan of action. (more…)