10 Tips for Eating Healthy and Economically

10 Tips for Eating Healthy and Economically

With many people trying to tighten their belts both physically and fiscally right now, we thought we’d offer you 10 tips to selecting healthy foods to help you accomplish both. During tougher economic times, you can still eat well for less money. The key is to depend more on the plant kingdom for your sources of protein and fiber. From a health standpoint, your diet is going to be the healthiest (and cheapest) if it is at least partially vegetarian. With that in mind, here are your 10 tips to eat organic on a budget: (more…)

Entering a Dialogue

Entering a Dialogue

This post comes to us from our friends at Natural Path Health Center.

There has been a disturbing trend emerging over the past months, and especially in the past several weeks that, I believe, fundamentally undermines our ability to act in a humane manner – the ability to communicate and discuss our differences. We don’t talk and listen, we just talk, with underlying agendas and a “I’m right and your wrong” undertone that works only to increase hostility and misunderstanding. (more…)

Picky Eater Problems? Try Family Style Dining.

Picky Eater Problems? Try Family Style Dining.

If you have a picky eater in your family you know that mealtimes can be very stressful. There are lots of ideas out there on how to get your picky eater to eat, from sneaking veggies into chicken nuggets and pizza to just letting them go hungry. If you’ve tried it all, family style dining might do the trick. (more…)