If You Have Hypothyroidism, You HAVE TO Address Adrenal Function

If You Have Hypothyroidism, You HAVE TO Address Adrenal Function

We see a lot of people that suffer from one or more symptoms attributed to an under-functioning thyroid. Many of these people are on medications to boost thyroid hormone (T4 and/or T3), but find that their underlying symptoms – including fatigue, hair loss/thinning, dry skin or constipation – don’t improve. The reason could be that they are not actually addressing the underlying cause(s) of the thyroid dysfunction; one of those underlying causes is likely adrenal fatigue. (more…)

Severe Health Risks Associated with Diet Soda and Artificial Sweeteners

Severe Health Risks Associated with Diet Soda and Artificial Sweeteners

Researchers have been studying the health effects of artificial sweeteners for years; unfortunately, most of the findings show that they are very detrimental to human health. One of the most interesting findings is that artificial sweeteners can actually increase our desire to eat, increase cravings and lead to weight gain; this flies in the face of why most people consume artificial sweeteners, that is, to lose weight. Many studies have shown this to be true, and at least one of the mechanisms thought to cause this weight gain is dysregulation of the how our body controls blood sugar. Now, new research is showing artificial sweeteners can have even more far reaching detrimental effects on our health. (more…)

How the Brain Responds to Artificial Sweeteners

How the Brain Responds to Artificial Sweeteners

There have now been studies on over 100,000 people (!) that show that the consumption of artificial sweeteners  leads to weight gain. Researchers have been investigating this counter-intuitive phenomena for decades with some very interesting results. However, one of the newer discoveries has to do with how artificial sweeteners affect brain signaling. As it turns out, these effects can have a dramatic impact on our appetite. (more…)

Millions of People Are Taking Medications That Won’t Help Them

Millions of People Are Taking Medications That Won’t Help Them

Medical doctors want to help people feel and be well; however, the tools that they have at their disposal are often inadequate to get the job done. Take, for instance, the top ten highest-grossing medications in the United States; research shows that they only help between 1 in 25 to 1 in 4 of the people who take them.


What is YOUR Underlying Metabolic Imbalance?

What is YOUR Underlying Metabolic Imbalance?

“Why is it so difficult to lose weight?”

Obesity isn’t just a calorie problem or an exercise problem – it is a metabolism problem. The fact is there are several fundamental underlying imbalances that prevent most people from losing weight and keeping it off. The problem is, they don’t know what those imbalances are and neither does their doctor. We can help find and address them.


Weight Loss Plan for YOU

Weight Loss Plan for YOU

“Eat less, exercise more” we are told. This has been the accepted weight loss formula for as long as anyone can remember. And it doesn’t work. Only 2‐3% of dieters maintain weight loss for over three years. This system ‐ of having people track calories, keep track of points and/or eat pre‐packaged, pre‐made or processed meals ‐ does nothing to help people lose weight and only compounds the confusion.
