May is National Osteoporosis Awareness Month

May is National Osteoporosis Awareness Month

One of the most important health issues for middle-aged women is the threat of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become thin, fragile, and highly prone to fracture. Numerous studies have linked estrogen insufficiency to this gradual, yet debilitating disease. In fact, osteoporosis is more closely related to menopause than to a woman’s chronological age. (more…)

Women’s Health – It’s All About (Hormone) Balance

Women’s Health – It’s All About (Hormone) Balance

Hormones are chemicals your body produces to regulate various functions – they are messengers. They send important messages and signals to various organs and tissues. When they work harmoniously, your body behaves in a predictable way. But if there is too much or too little of any one hormone, then imbalance occurs and you can begin to feel that something is wrong. (more…)

Rethinking Hormone Replacement Therapy for Aging Women

Rethinking Hormone Replacement Therapy for Aging Women

As a woman ages, many changes occur in her body. The monthly menstrual cycle should occur easily without debilitating or unpleasant symptoms such as PMS. The ebb and flow or hormones begins to become more erratic as a woman reaches peri-menopause and menopause, leading to irregular menstrual cycles. Often times, due to imbalances in hormone levels, symptoms are also associated with these phases in life, including hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings and changes in libido. (more…)