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“I am confident that I have achieved a lasting lifestyle, and it feels fantastic!”

“I am confident that I have achieved a lasting lifestyle, and it feels fantastic!”

Danielle’s Optimal Body Balance Story: 13 pounds of fat and 20 inches lost in 13 weeks!

Beginning the 13-week Optimal Body Balance plan was not my first attempt at joining a program to teach me how to eat natural foods, lose weight, and live a healthier lifestyle. Learning how to do something and sticking with it are two very different challenges for me though; and after letting my good habits transition back into the bad ones, I really wanted someone to give me the strength and positive reinforcement to try again, especially as my wedding day was fast approaching.

I had already bought my dress, so I knew I would look nice enough when the wedding came, but I wanted to feel beautiful inside and out.  Since I had let myself go, my confidence had been stuffed in the back of my closet alongside my skinny jeans. For me, frumpiness comes from within, so starving myself was not going to change anything except make me a hungry and cranky bride.  I knew if I really wanted my personality and my waistline to change, I needed to flush out all the processed food and break my bad habits all over again, but it was really hard because I was going to be starting it all over…AGAIN.

Thankfully, Sheila’s fun, supportive and understanding nature reminded me of all the information I already knew, as well as provided me with new, real-world tips that make it possible to maintain a healthier lifestyle instead of cycling on and off a health kick everytime I want to shed a few pounds.  While I can’t honestly say that I stick to the OBB plan every single day now, I am able to use the guidance and recipes Sheila gave me to ensure that I keep my “cheats” in check so that I don’t spiral back into the same old bad routine.

Now that it has been about four months since completing the program (and three months since my wedding), I am confident that I have achieved a lasting lifestyle, and it feels fantastic!  I cannot thank Sheila enough for making me healthier, happier, and skinnier on my wedding day and every day since!

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“I am confident that I have achieved a lasting lifestyle, and it feels fantastic!”

50 Years is Long Enough

Congrats, Gini! 24.7 pounds and 34 inches lost in 13 weeks! 

I was in the second grade when I went on my first diet.  And in the 50 years since I have tried many.  Some were successful for awhile but nothing has been successful over the long term.  I assumed it was my lack of willpower or motivation or my being lazy and not exercising enough.   (more…)

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“I am confident that I have achieved a lasting lifestyle, and it feels fantastic!”

The Results of this Decision Make Me Happy Every Day

Congrats, Lisa! 13 pounds and 27 inches lost in 13 weeks!

Lisa before the OBB program...

Lisa after 13 weeks!

Please Read This!

Reading these testimonials are what prompted me to make the decision to join the OBB program. The results of this decision make me happy every day. I lost a few things (inches….fat….weight…bad feelings). I truly gained a better perspective toward myself, food and so many other things. Do not hesitate, OBB teaches how to live better.

I will be happy to talk with anyone about this experience, give Sheila your number and I’ll give you a call. Best to you. NUFF Said!

