Congrats, Gini! 24.7 pounds and 34 inches lost in 13 weeks! 

I was in the second grade when I went on my first diet.  And in the 50 years since I have tried many.  Some were successful for awhile but nothing has been successful over the long term.  I assumed it was my lack of willpower or motivation or my being lazy and not exercising enough.  
Now, through the knowledge and support gained through the Optimal Body Balance program, I realize I was wrong.  I discovered that there were imbalances that were preventing me from losing weight, so even my best efforts were not going to be successful in the long run.  By addressing a variety of imbalances with the help of Sheila and Dr. Chad, things started to change.  I feel better than I ever remember feeling.  I started losing weight and inches; fitting into smaller clothes.  My energy level is great.  I am confident that I’ve now got a plan that will help me reach and maintain my goals.

All of the people at Natural Path Health Center are friendly and supportive.  Sheila is especially resourceful.  Ask her a question and she’s got several options and suggestions for you to consider.  Whatever roadblocks or challenges pop up, Sheila can help you with the tools to navigate them successfully.

One of the best parts of Optimal Body Balance program was the fitness assessment with Darin Oler.  Years and years ago I was much more active and loved being strong and moving my body.  Well, with just a couple of months of training sessions with Darin I am regaining the strength and agility I once had.  I love my workouts with Darin!  He has the perfect combination of encouragement and motivation to keep me going, and the workouts are so fun!

One of the best things I’ve gotten from the Optimal Body Balance program is hope.  By maintaining the lifestyle changes I’ve started under this plan, I’m confident that my days of unsuccessful efforts at weight loss are over.

– Gini