Grill Out Potluck

Grill Out Potluck

The Natural Path Health Center and Optimal Body Balance are hosting their fourth monthly potluck! Many of you have been clamoring for information and resources about cooking and nutrition – especially in the area of food sensitivities. And we also know that some of you are dying to share your recipes and tricks. We would like to create and allergen-free evening where we can come together, share our recipes and learn from each other. We would like to invite you to the center on the evening of Wednesday, June 6th at 6 pm. (more…)

Don’t Try to Lose Weight Alone

The Golden Rule of Weight Loss – the 80/20 Rule

Our focus on the OBB program is progress NOT perfection. Every day try to make the changes that will help you to reach your ultimate goals of health, wellness, weight loss and increased energy.

We want you to be able to enjoy food, feel full, have variety, and have flexibility & fun! We recommend the 80/20 Rule.

What is the 80/20 Rule? It means that 80% of the time you are on plan and 20% you have the option to ‘Splurge’. Does that translate to ‘Weekends Off’ or 20% of the week you can eat everything and anything that you want? Nope. It means that you need to plan a head for the whole week and enjoy the splurges that you choose.

If you eat 4 meals a day 7 days a week 20% of that is 6. So, 6 times a week you can have something extra that you want.

What are some ideas that all into this ‘Splurge’ category? Here are some ideas. Talk with your OBB counselor to get more specific for you.

4 oz of wine, 1 shot of alcohol, an extra ‘carb’ serving per day, a small serving of desert, cake, cookie, or sweet. A small serving of chips, popcorn or tortillas. Get the idea?

MOST of the time you will be on plan. Some of the time you can mix it up a little.


It is essential to pre-plan and to track your 20%.  We all kid ourselves once in a while. It is easy to ‘forget’ that you had a cookie at a meeting or that you ‘helped’ your son finish his waffle. (Trust me…I know…) Start by thinking ahead for the week. On Sunday see if there are any trips, luncheons, events, dinners out, drinks with friends or anything that you may need to save your 20% for. Try to hold on to them throughout the week, if possible. I’ve heard it over and over and over…’The weekends are the hardest!’ so why not try to hold on to your splurges for when you need them? You know what is NO FUN?! Getting to Tuesday and being out of your 20% for the WHOLE REST OF THE WEEK!! At that point you know you are CHOOSING to be off plan if you eat any more splurges.

One way to track your 6 items is to put 6 (I like the cute, colorful ones) paperclips on the front side of your journal. Then when you use one, flip it to the back. Also track it in your food journal, too.

Make them count! Save them for something worthy! A specialty chocolate from Ambrosia chocolates? Yes! Junky tootsie roll left over from the last ‘candy’ holiday? Not so much.

Don’t Try to Lose Weight Alone

50 Years is Long Enough

Congrats, Gini! 24.7 pounds and 34 inches lost in 13 weeks! 

I was in the second grade when I went on my first diet.  And in the 50 years since I have tried many.  Some were successful for awhile but nothing has been successful over the long term.  I assumed it was my lack of willpower or motivation or my being lazy and not exercising enough.   (more…)

Don’t Try to Lose Weight Alone

Mexican Fiesta Potluck

The Natural Path Health Center and Optimal Body Balance are hosting a potluck! Many of you have been clamoring for information and resources about cooking and nutrition – especially in the area of food sensitivities. And we also know that some of you are dying to share your recipes and tricks. We would like to create and allergen-free evening where we can come together, share our recipes and learn from each other. We would like to invite you to the center on the evening of Wednesday, May 2nd at 6 pm for our third monthly potluck. (more…)