For those that are STRESSED and TIRED, check out our product spotlight – Adreset. (more…)
For those that are STRESSED and TIRED, check out our product spotlight – Adreset. (more…)
I often get asked questions like, “I’m allergic to sulfa drugs – do I need to avoid sulfur in supplements and/or food?” There is a lot of understandable confusion about the difference between sulfa drugs, sulfites, sulfates and sulfur. Many people are allergic to sulfa drugs and/or sulfites and thus assume that they have to avoid sulfates and sulfur, also. This article should help explain the difference between these four substances and clear some of the confusion. (more…)
Migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, fibormyalgia, obesity and even ADHD can all be traced back to depleted serotonin levels – and the effects on your body can be as damaging as they are diverse. When most people think of serotonin deficiency, the first thing they usually think about is depression. If that someone is you, you’d be right. But there’s a lot more to this neurotransmitter than meets the eye – a lot more. (more…)
This post comes to us from our friends at Natural Path Health Center.
There has been a disturbing trend emerging over the past months, and especially in the past several weeks that, I believe, fundamentally undermines our ability to act in a humane manner – the ability to communicate and discuss our differences. We don’t talk and listen, we just talk, with underlying agendas and a “I’m right and your wrong” undertone that works only to increase hostility and misunderstanding. (more…)
Biochemical individuality is a really cool sounding term (really cool to people like me:)) that simply means that every’s nutritional needs are different. These unique nutritional needs are based on each person’s genetics, lifestyle, diet and environmental exposure to various stresses. Biochemistry is a complex web of interactions that controls the way your body uses and/or responds to the things you take into your body (food, drink, supplements, medications, pollutants, stresses, etc.) and how that translates into how your body functions. For your body (biochemistry) to function properly, your body requires the right amounts and proportions of nutrients. This amount is dependent on you – the amount of a certain nutrient required by the average person (or another person) may not be the optimal amount you need for proper health (this is one of the reasons the RDA/DRI reported for nutrients is misleading at best – more on that later). (more…)