Vitamin D – How Much Do You Really Need?

Vitamin D – How Much Do You Really Need?

If you are paying attention to nutrition or health-related news, you know that not a week goes by without some new findings coming out about the health benefits of vitamin D. However, there is also a lot of confusion about how much vitamin D each person needs as well as the best/safest way to achieve optimal vitamin D levels. The purpose of this post is to try and clear some of the confusion. (more…)

Life in a Chemical Soup

Life in a Chemical Soup

The world is toxic.

The CDC estimates that the average American contains 116 synthetic compounds in his or her body. These include such crazy sounding things as dioxin (from burning plastic), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (from auto exhaust), and organochloride pesticides (from the foods we eat). There are about 75,000 different chemicals produced in the United States each year and chemicals that were banned decades ago still persist in the soil, air and water. (more…)