The world is toxic.

The CDC estimates that the average American contains 116 synthetic compounds in his or her body. These include such crazy sounding things as dioxin (from burning plastic), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (from auto exhaust), and organochloride pesticides (from the foods we eat). There are about 75,000 different chemicals produced in the United States each year and chemicals that were banned decades ago still persist in the soil, air and water.

The question isn’t whether we are toxic – we are.

The question is – what can we do about it?!


Your body contains several mechanisms by which it tries to keep the impact of living in this toxic soup at a minimum. Unfortunately, our bodies cannot possibly adapt fast enough to handle the onslaught of chemicals we put our bodies in contact with every day. Don’t believe me? See our post on Knowing What you are Putting On (LINK TO IT) to get a general idea of the chemicals many people choose to put on their bodies every day.

Periodic detoxification is one of the oldest and most accepted ways to help the body eliminate its toxic burden. Detoxification is a heavily nutrient-dependent process; this means we need to supply the body an adequate supply of essential nutrients in order for everything to run smoothly (and to avoid unnecessary ‘detoxification reactions’ or what are often called a ‘healing crisis’; in reality, most of these reactions are due to improper detoxification).

We recommend either the 10- or 28-day Clear Change Program for most people. The kit comes complete with step-by-step (i.e., day-by-day) dietary recommendations, lifestyle suggestions, a shaker cup and all supplements needed to complete the detoxification. We generally recommend that a person start with a 10-day Clear Change Program; if they feel substantially better during the detoxification and/or after it, they can complete another 10-day Clear Change Program. For those that would like (or need) a longer detoxification period, the 28-day Clear Change Program is a viable option.

For most people, the 10-day Clear Change Program should be completed at least once every 3 months (at a minimum) to help the body minimize the damage from swimming in the toxic soup that is our world.