Soda – It’s Not Just for Cleaning

Soda – It’s Not Just for Cleaning

It can make you can weight, get diabetes and wreck your teeth too…

Soft drinks and energy drinks are the single largest source of sugar in the American diet. Together, they account for about 16 teaspoons of added sugar per day (that’s bout 67 grams sugar/day). If you haven’t been to, check it out; it can be pretty eye-opening. (more…)

Osteoporosis Screening Questionnaire – Interpreting Your Results

Osteoporosis Screening Questionnaire – Interpreting Your Results

If you checked three of more of the statements in the Osteoporosis Screening Questionnaire, you are at risk for osteoporosis. To verify with testing, we recommend the Bone Resorption Assessment to establish a baseline by which to measure the effectiveness of bone support therapies and identify your current rate of bone loss. (more…)

May is National Osteoporosis Awareness Month

May is National Osteoporosis Awareness Month

One of the most important health issues for middle-aged women is the threat of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become thin, fragile, and highly prone to fracture. Numerous studies have linked estrogen insufficiency to this gradual, yet debilitating disease. In fact, osteoporosis is more closely related to menopause than to a woman’s chronological age. (more…)