Hydration Myths

Hydration Myths

“I drink 64 ounces (or 3 quarts, or 2 gallons) of water a day – there is no way that I’m dehydrated!”

We hear statements like this a lot. And, while compared to most people you meet, you may drink way more water than they do, chances are you are still dehydrated. (We’ve tested thousands of people for hydration status and it turns out that only about 1% of people tested are properly hydrated.) (more…)

Causes of Chronic Inflammation

Causes of Chronic Inflammation

Excess body fat is a key cause of chronic inflammation in the body. There are also several other common causes of inflammation that typically afflict people that are overweight, and it won’t surprise you that many of them stem from the underlying metabolic imbalances we have been discussing throughout this course. These include sleep deprivation, excessive or chronic stress, insulin resistance, gut imbalances and toxic burden. However, the largest (non‐fat) contributors to systemic inflammation in the body are the things most people put into their mouths every day.


Eco-Friendly Household Products

Eco-Friendly Household Products

EcoFriendly Alternatives to Commercial Cleaners and Other Household Products

Trying to rid yourself and your family is no easy task. Most everything around you has been synthesized, sprayed, enriched, hydrolyzed, flouridated… even going for a walk can prove to be toxic when you see those little tags at the corners of your neighbors’ lawns: “Stay off until…”

Good news is you can take charge in your own home and create a healthier, non-toxic environment there by making your own cleaning products.


7 Foods to Avoid When Doing a Detox

7 Foods to Avoid When Doing a Detox

Detoxification is a term used to describe all the processes involved with the processing and elimination of toxins from the body. These toxins may be generated outside the body (like pollution, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors/preservatives, alcohol/drugs, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, etc.) or inside the body (including metabolic byproducts due to the digestion of excess sugar or fats, infection and normal repair processes).
