My Balanced Lunch: 7/1/13

My Balanced Lunch: 7/1/13



My balanced lunch today was a greek yogurt parfait with wheat berries, blackberries and a drizzle of agave with leftover red cabbage, carrot and cilantro slaw.

Here is the breakdown:

Protein: Greek yogurt
Vegetable: red cabbage, carrots, cilantro
wheat berries and blackberries
olive oil in the slaw, 2% Greek yogurt

This meal does contain your one starchy carb option per day. If you don’t want to use your starchy carb option here, omit the wheat berries.

10 Rules For Weight Loss

10 Rules For Weight Loss

Mind Body Green posted this article a few days ago about top ten rules to live by to lose weight. It emphasizes many of the guidelines we use at Optimal Body Balance. I think it’s great to see this other people spreading this information around; and it’s good to hear the same things from different sources — so please read!



This is what their top ten were:

  1. Keep a food journal.
  2. Drink a LOT of water.
  3. Plan your meals ahead of time.
  4. Watch your portion sizes
  5. Don’t diet.
  6. Ditch the negative self-talk and the naysayers.
  7. Carve time to de-stress and relax.
  8. Sleep at least 7 hours a night.
  9. Move yo’ body.
  10. Be consistent in all your efforts.

For more information on each rule, read the original article. Here is the link to the article again: 10 Rules To Live By If You’re Trying To Lose Weight.