Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

If you’re like most people, you’ve gotten to a point at some time in the last month/week/day/hour where you feel like there is simply too much going on in the world and that life has begun to feel overwhelming. There’s no doubt that there is a lot happening right now that is out of our control; however, there are some things that we can do to control the effect all the craziness has on our health.

Keeping Stress at Bay the Natural Way – Stress Management

Keeping Stress at Bay the Natural Way – Stress Management

Who isn’t a little stressed these days?! Stress gets a bad rap in our fast-paced times, when in fact it is not stress that is our foe; it is how we handle stress and the negative impact that response can have on our bodies that causes us so many problems.  Luckily, there are a few things that we can do to combat the constant barrage of stress we face every day. (more…)

Allergy Test – Uncovering What’s Causing Your Allergies

Allergy Test – Uncovering What’s Causing Your Allergies

Roughly 20 percent of adults in the US suffer from seasonal allergies. Most people reach for an over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medication to address the runny nose, itchy/watery eyes, sinus congestion, headache and breathing difficulties they experience. This post will address how you can identify and eliminate the most likely causes of your seasonal allergies – and it’s not the pollen count. (more…)

Entering a Dialogue

Entering a Dialogue

This post comes to us from our friends at Natural Path Health Center.

There has been a disturbing trend emerging over the past months, and especially in the past several weeks that, I believe, fundamentally undermines our ability to act in a humane manner – the ability to communicate and discuss our differences. We don’t talk and listen, we just talk, with underlying agendas and a “I’m right and your wrong” undertone that works only to increase hostility and misunderstanding. (more…)