Medications that Cause Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms we see on a daily basis. After we run the standard medical screening tests for fatigue, the very next thing we look at are current and recently discontinued medications, as there many medications that are known to cause fatigue.

If You Have Hypothyroidism, You HAVE TO Address Adrenal Function

If You Have Hypothyroidism, You HAVE TO Address Adrenal Function

We see a lot of people that suffer from one or more symptoms attributed to an under-functioning thyroid. Many of these people are on medications to boost thyroid hormone (T4 and/or T3), but find that their underlying symptoms – including fatigue, hair loss/thinning, dry skin or constipation – don’t improve. The reason could be that they are not actually addressing the underlying cause(s) of the thyroid dysfunction; one of those underlying causes is likely adrenal fatigue. (more…)

Antioxidants Role in Health – Part 4:  Red Phytonutrients

Antioxidants Role in Health – Part 4: Red Phytonutrients

When you look at food, deep colors tend to catch your eye more – meaning they are often more appealing to you – than less intense, or deep colors. For example,when you look at tomatoes, you will generally reach for a tomato that has a deep red color rather than a tomato that has a little red or pink color. Somewhere in the recesses of our brains, we know that things that have a naturally deep, intense color are better for us; and for the most part that is true. (more…)

Keeping Stress at Bay the Natural Way – Stress Management

Keeping Stress at Bay the Natural Way – Stress Management

Who isn’t a little stressed these days?! Stress gets a bad rap in our fast-paced times, when in fact it is not stress that is our foe; it is how we handle stress and the negative impact that response can have on our bodies that causes us so many problems.  Luckily, there are a few things that we can do to combat the constant barrage of stress we face every day. (more…)