Brisk Walking May Be the Best Exercise
Those that like to walk regularly for exercise may already know that brisk walking is closely linked with a longer life, but they may not know why…
(more…)Those that like to walk regularly for exercise may already know that brisk walking is closely linked with a longer life, but they may not know why…
(more…)We know that getting started with a workout program can be a daunting task. However, you can console yourself that every athlete, no matter how skilled, had to start somewhere; many of them probably started in a similar position to where you are now. (more…)
Everybody knows that calcium is necessary to build healthy bones. What most people don’t know is that bone health is very dependent on the type of calcium that is taken, and very few people take the right type of calcium. (more…)
“I drink 64 ounces (or 3 quarts, or 2 gallons) of water a day – there is no way that I’m dehydrated!”
We hear statements like this a lot. And, while compared to most people you meet, you may drink way more water than they do, chances are you are still dehydrated. (We’ve tested thousands of people for hydration status and it turns out that only about 1% of people tested are properly hydrated.) (more…)
Many people know that yoga has numerous health benefits. However, most people do not know that there are simple and easy yoga poses that can actually help improve digestion.
The overall point of yoga is to find a conscious balance in our lives and make everything we do sacred. Outside of the actual practice of yoga poses, this means to try and have meals in comfortable environments and to use food for its intended purpose: as fuel for the fire of our physical and spiritual transformation.
“Eat less, exercise more” we are told. This has been the accepted weight loss formula for as long as anyone can remember. And it doesn’t work. Only 2‐3% of dieters maintain weight loss for over three years. This system ‐ of having people track calories, keep track of points and/or eat pre‐packaged, pre‐made or processed meals ‐ does nothing to help people lose weight and only compounds the confusion.