Antioxidants Role in Health – Part 4:  Red Phytonutrients

Antioxidants Role in Health – Part 4: Red Phytonutrients

When you look at food, deep colors tend to catch your eye more – meaning they are often more appealing to you – than less intense, or deep colors. For example,when you look at tomatoes, you will generally reach for a tomato that has a deep red color rather than a tomato that has a little red or pink color. Somewhere in the recesses of our brains, we know that things that have a naturally deep, intense color are better for us; and for the most part that is true. (more…)

Why Am I Not Getting Better?

Why Am I Not Getting Better?

On occasion, a client will come in after a few weeks or months and say something like “I’ve been doing this for ‘x’ amount of time and I’m not seeing any results”; this inevitably leads to a discussion as to what they are doing exactly to try and determine if we are missing something. A majority of the time, when we begin asking specific questions about what they are doing, we find that they are not following their recommended plan of action. (more…)

Eating Your Way Out Of Pain

Eating Your Way Out Of Pain

The sensation of pain comes from many places. Obviously, there is a nervous system component; after all, it is our nerves that transmit the signals that alert us to pain and it is our brain that responds to those signals. In addition, there are structural components – if your leg is broken, it must be reset in order for the healing process to proceed quickly; if you have a subluxation in your back or neck, you’ve got to see a chiropractor or osteopath to help you get that corrected so the nervous system can respond appropriately.

However, the degree of our pain, and the length we suffer with that pain is to a large extent the result of chemical messengers that are created in response to an injury. This is called inflammation. However, how this inflammatory process plays out is largely dependent on what we eat. (more…)

10 Tips for Eating Healthy and Economically

10 Tips for Eating Healthy and Economically

With many people trying to tighten their belts both physically and fiscally right now, we thought we’d offer you 10 tips to selecting healthy foods to help you accomplish both. During tougher economic times, you can still eat well for less money. The key is to depend more on the plant kingdom for your sources of protein and fiber. From a health standpoint, your diet is going to be the healthiest (and cheapest) if it is at least partially vegetarian. With that in mind, here are your 10 tips to eat organic on a budget: (more…)