Why Optimal Body Balance is Different

Why Optimal Body Balance is Different

There is an obesity epidemic occurring in this country; you can see it everywhere. When we look in the mirror we see ourselves getting larger at a faster rate than at any time in human history. What most people fail to see is a way out; a way to get beyond the scale, beyond feeling deprived, beyond dieting. Our sight has been so warped and misguided on the topics of nutrition, weight loss and what constitutes a healthy lifestyle that most of us have no idea what the problem is, let alone how to address it.


Prostate Health

Prostate Health

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that is part of the male reproductive system. As men age, several disorders of the prostate are common, including benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), acute or chronic prostatitis and prostate cancer.  (more…)

Enzymes – The Sparks of Life

Enzymes – The Sparks of Life

This post was written by Tracie Hittman, MS, and will cover a quick overview about digestive enzymes. Most people don’t spend any time thinking about how the foods we eat get converted into energy. Luckily, our enzymes do the job whether we think about it or not. However, as you will see, we need to give our bodies all the help they need to properly digest food as we continue our walk along the natural path. (more…)

Fiber – You want to talk about what?

Fiber – You want to talk about what?

This post will be devoted to fiber, a topic few people would like to spend time talking about, but one that is nonetheless extremely important to your overall health and well-being. This post is again written by our quest writer, Tracie Hittman, MS. So sit back, relax, and enjoy getting a quick course on what fiber is, why it is important and how you can get enough of it in your diet to help you achieve optimal health. (more…)