The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that is part of the male reproductive system. As men age, several disorders of the prostate are common, including benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), acute or chronic prostatitis and prostate cancer. 

I have had personal experience with prostate disorders. I was diagnosed with an ‘incurable’ prostate disease when I was 22 years old akin to chronic prostatitis along with BPH, where my prostate was inflamed and growing. I felt like someone was kicking me in the groin 24/7 and I was running to the bathroom all day and night. I tried many experimental medications and therapies, all to no avail. When it was recommended that I have my prostate removed, I began to search for alternative methods.

Simple Solutions for Prostate Health

Many prostate disorders come about because of nutritional imbalances and poor lifestyle habits. Many foods and drinks are very detrimental to prostate and male health, including alcohol, caffeine, and saturated fat. Eliminating, or at the very least minimizing these three things should be at the top of the list for any man. In addition, several lifestyle habits also play a big role, including smoking/tobacco use, stress and lack of exercise. Therefore, quitting tobacco use, learning improved stress management techniques and fitting in a regular (3-5x/week) exercise program is vital to long term health and vitality.

Key Points

  • Reduce/eliminate alcohol, caffeine, and saturated fat intake as much as possible.
  • Quit smoking, start a regular exercise program and learn improved stress management.
  • Encourage prostate health with supplemental support; Prostatrol-Forte has everything you need for optimal prostate health and function.

The Natural Path to Men’s Health

Keeping the prostate healthy is essential for men to enjoy a vital, enjoyable and sexually active lifestyle as they age. Many other disorders can also affect men as they age, including andropause (which accompanies mid-life in many men), impotence and infertility. Contact us for more information on how men can stay healthy, active and vital and enjoy the natural path to optimal health.