The first post in this series highlighted how important a properly constructed and completed client packet can be to help highlight possible underlying imbalances that could be impacting a person’s current state of health. This post will focus on one of the most underutilized tests that can help determine exactly which vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants a person’s body needs to optimize health.

Organic Acids Testing (OATs)

Organic acid testing is one of the easiest and fastest ways to determine exactly which nutrients are needed for each individual. This test truly takes the guesswork out of creating the foundation for a personal customized supplement program. It is like getting a metabolic blueprint for each person that tells us which nutrients are needed to optimize function.

Organic acids are key components of many biochemical pathways. Testing these organic acids in the urine provides critical insights into the functioning of how every cell in the body produces energy (through the Kreb’s cycle in the mitochondria). Because cellular energy production is crucial to overall bodily function, any disruption in this cycle can be disastrous to a person’s health, resulting in almost any symptom.

Organic acids testing can help pinpoint the vitamin, mineral and amino acid deficiencies that are keeping each person from optimal health. Lack of proper nutrients along with each person’s unique biochemical needs (i.e., biochemical individuality) plays a pivotal role when it comes to expressing genetic strengths or weaknesses. Therefore, nutrient optimization that is guided by organic acid testing is one of the only ways to knowingly attempt to modify gene expression (a science known as nutragenomics) for the betterment of a person’s health.

Organic acids testing can can show weather or not an individual is deficient in a number of nutrients or is simply not using those nutrients effectively; it also provides a measure of how much (or how little) of a given nutrient each individual person may need.

Organic acid testing can be completed in the convenience of your own home. Many companies have kits that require only a urine sample that is sent directly to the lab; the lab then sends the results to your functional medicine provider so that they can discuss those results with you and make any necessary recommendations.

Organic acids testing can help any individual develop a better understanding of their own unique health needs and provide specific guidance on how to make a customized supplement program.

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