Exercises to Balance an Overactive Central Nervous System

Exercises to Balance an Overactive Central Nervous System

One of the most common and long-standing methods told to those that are ‘stressed out’ is to exercise, and usually, to exercise hard. This makes some sense if you look at it, as it would appear that a person that is ‘revved up’ has some ‘energy to burn’ and what better way to get rid of that energy than to do something that is healthy for you, like exercise. Unfortunately, this is one instance where common sense leads us astray and can make the underlying issue much, much worse. (more…)

Homeopathic and Naturopathic Solutions for Depression

Homeopathic and Naturopathic Solutions for Depression

There are many natural approaches to try and eliminate depression. Everyone responds to these approaches differently, but there are many common homeopathic and naturopathic solutions that work for a wide number of people.

Form a homeopathic perspective, each person has just one remedy that fits their particular situation at any given time, so it is important that a person wanting to use homeopathic remedies for depression to consult with a homeopath or a naturopath that can help them determine the correct remedy to use. (more…)

New Year, New YOU – Finding the Drive to Change

New Year, New YOU – Finding the Drive to Change

The beginning of the year is a great time to figure out how you want to improve your life and become more of the person you’d like to be. However, all too often people make only half-hearted commitments and attempts at self-improvement, which inevitably fail. Most often, this is because they really don’t know WHY they want to make changes and/or the reason for making the changes doesn’t really resonate with them deeply enough or aren’t really important enough to make the tough choices necessary to meet their goals. (more…)