Our lives seem so full of things to worry about and/or do that we don’t even realize that our health is slowly but steadily slipping away from us. Even if we can find the time to exercise, many of us perform exercises that fatigue and drain us even more. Rather than relieve stress, most of our activities have the effect of fueling a state called Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) dominance. Periodic detoxification can help calm down an overactive sympathetic nervous system. The key is to perform a detoxification program properly. Read more…
Periodic Detox Can Help Calm an Overactive Sympathetic Nervous System
by Dr. Oler, ND | Feb 23, 2016 | Cleansing, Depression, Digestive Support, Fatigue, Health Partner News, Men's Health, Migraine, Natural Remedies, Nutrition, Stress, Women's Health