This final installment of this five part series on the core belief making up the Naturopathic Philosophy deals with the seventh and final principle: that we practice prevention first and work towards prevention as the end goal.
If we can help our clients from becoming ill and manifesting disease in the first place, we do not need to treat them at all. Prevention is the perfect embodiment of the first six core beliefs – we do no harm if our clients maintain vibrant health. The body, through its innate intelligence, does what it needs to in order to thrive in and adapt to the wide range of environments and stresses placed upon it during day-to-day living. As we have taught our clients what they need to obtain and maintain optimal health (doctor as teacher), they know what they need to do, why they need to do it and how to get those things done, as they now have the tools and experience to follow through and reap the benefits of following nature’s laws. This includes addressing all aspects of imbalance in their lives – body, mind and spirit – and they can address these areas with the least amount of discomfort and the greatest reward. As we state in are mission, our job is to:
Promote health and well-being through the scientific application of natural healing methods with the ultimate goal of disease prevention through education and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
Prevention is the end goal, and one that we can help our clients achieve for themselves and their loved ones.