How are you doing on those new year resolutions? Good for you if you’re still on track! But for most of us, the reality is that we barely even got started making the changes we wanted for ourselves. If you’ve signed up for a gym membership and still haven’t used it or made the resolution to eat healtheir but let all that good food go bad in the refrigerator, then you should sign up for the “Making Changes that Last” teleseminar! The teleseminar will be at 6pm on Wednesday, February 9th. From the privacy of your home you can tune in and learn the best way to go about making those new years resolutions a reality. Here is some more information about the teleseminar:
New Years is over and most resolutions have already become un-resolved. You want to live a healthier life but your busy life keeps getting in the way! How can you get on the right track when temptation keeps dragging you down? What is the key to making changes that last a lifetime?
In the teleconference we will discuss ways to set yourself up for success, give you insight from the hundreds of clients that we have helped reach their goals and to uncover the neuro transmitter imbalances that cause some of the cravings and temptations.
Make your LAST resolution and START living a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Sign up to reserve your spot!