Jodi before OBB

Jodi 4.2 pounds and 23.5 inches later!

My name is Jodie Amerell and I am 40 years old.  Since I was a kid, I have been very active with sports, gymnastics, track, baseball, etc.  I participated in college sports both track and field and the crew team the first two years.  In my thirties I started swimming and eventually did triathlons.  My solution to fitness was to work out and stay active. Over the years I slowly gained some weight but I always maintained between a size 8 and 10.
At the age of 37 I ended up in the hospital with a pinched nerve in my back and nerve damage in my left leg.  I no longer had the ability to exercise like I was familiar and I slowly put on weight.  Being 5’-9” with long legs, it was easy to hide the extra weight.  But what I specifically remember is trying on summer clothes that I had ordered from a clothing party three months prior and them not fitting at all.  I actually didn’t understand what happened and how could I change that much in such a short period of time.
I have always been a healthy eater, eating meals at home versus fast food, always packing a lunch, eating salads with every meal.  However, I was always hungry.  I could eat a big meal and be hungry again in 35 minutes.  I also had to have food with me to avoid that constant hunger and any “food emergencies”.  When my weight on the scale topped 160 I finally asked for help.

I joined the group OBB program and was taught how to eat and nourish my body.  I did not eat fruit or enough fats on a daily basis, so that was added to my plate.  I was to eat 4 times a day but with the balanced proportions of protein, fruit, fat, and vegetables.  This sustained me and took care of the food emergencies.  I also started to understand that the number on the scale was not what I wanted to watch, but I wanted to watch the ratio of water to fat to muscle on my body.

During the 12 weeks I noticed my body size changing and my cravings settle.  My mind was not obsessed with food and I was able to plan my meals for myself during the day to keep on track.  My moods stabilized, I felt more relaxed, and I had the accountability I needed to stay on task.  I was amazed at the results I received after BMI week and I received my ribbon of inches lost.  I lost 25” in that period of time and it was mostly in the midsection.  I have gained muscle and lost fat, and I did not need to exercise like a crazy woman to achieve those results.  For me, I found a lifestyle that really works for me.