Spring time is a great time to shed the accumulations of the winter months and get your body ready for the upcoming summer. This is often best accomplished by supporting the body’s natural elimination organs and promoting proper detoxification.

Detoxification simply refers to the process of removing toxins and other obstacles to proper bodily function from the body. There are many ways to accomplish this including eating and deleting certain foods and liquids; taking specific herbal, food based and/or nutritional supplements; completing juice cleanses or water fasts (a fast means you consume no calories; a cleanse means you consume only certain foods and liquids); performing massage, acupressure, or other bodywork techniques; and/or performing certain exercises, stretches and breathing techniques to aid the body in eliminating toxins and/or repairing necessary organs and body systems.

We need to get all your pathways of elimination and detoxification working correctly and functioning well in order for the body to perform optimally. This is a vital step in the healing process; without proper elimination and detoxification (i.e., removal of toxins and wastes) you are only adding to the imbalances in your body by adding additional materials (i.e., food/drink, supplementation, etc.) on top of an already overburdened body. This is accomplished best by modifying your diet and providing specific nutritional supplementation to begin the cleansing and detoxification process.

Supporting Proper Detoxification

The processes involved with proper detoxification require a lot of nutrients. Therefore, water or juice fasts are generally not a good choice unless you are already quite healthy as they lack most of the essential nutrients required for proper detoxification.

Rather than doing some kind of fast, following a detoxification program that provides all the necessary nutrients through dietary modifications and targeted supplementation often works best. For most people, we recommend the Clear Change 10-day Detoxification Program .This 10-day detoxification program comes complete with day-by-day dietary guidelines, supplemental support and a client guidebook to walk you step-by-step through the process.

The Clear Change 10-day Detoxification Program will help you shed those accumulated toxins, leaving you looking and feeling your best. Best of all, it is easy to follow and provides the flexibility needed by many people with a busy lifestyle.

If you’re looking for more energy, better quality sleep or just to lose a few pounds, the Clear Change 10-day Detoxification Program is just what you are looking for!