Lap Bands for Teens?

Lap Bands for Teens?

I recently watched a segment of the Today show where they talked about the increase in weight loss surgery for teens. I find this idea very frightening. Childhood obesity rates are on the rise. According to the CDC, 12.5 million kids age 2 to 19 are obese in this country. That is 3 times more obese kids than there were in 1980. We have to do something about these exploding obesity rates or our kids are going to start dying very young from obesity related complications. Surgery, though, should be the very last option.  (more…)

Lap Bands for Teens?

Train your Brain to Crave Healthy Food

Good Friday everyone! Here is a great article I just read and wanted to share with all of you from CNN news. If you have cravings you should definitely read this! Although they talk about a specific diet in this article, the “instinct diet”, this idea has been around for a long time.

Processed foods today have changed the way we taste things. Food science uses our inborn food preferences when making processed foods. Almost all processed foods are designed in a way to get you to eat more of them and then buy more of them. They do this by using the ingredients and tastes that humans are predisposed to love – sugar and fat. Processed foods play on your instincts; in nature, you would hardly ever encounter fat and sugar in the amounts you can find them in processed foods, and that is why we like processed foods so much. To quote Michael Pollan again, “You won’t find a fruit with anywhere near the amount of fructose in a soda, or a piece of animal flesh with quite as much fat as a chicken nugget”And there is another big problem with eating so much sugar and fat: we get used to it. We get used to eating a lot of fat and a lot of sugar; it seems normal. But it is not normal. The book The Pleasure Trap compares the this type of high-fat high-sugar diet to a drug addiction: “Food, like drugs, can stimulate dopamine cascades in the pleasure centers of the brain. But there is food—the bounty of nature that we were designed to eat, and then there is magic food—the stuff that we have created. And they are fundamentally different in their effect on health and happiness” The Pleasure Trap explains that the processed foods we eat today are designed to hyper-stimulate the brains pleasure centers. When we eat processed foods, we experience them as being more satisfying than real, whole foods. This is not surprising because they have been designed to be more satisfying. As a person eats more and more processed foods, his or her tastes adapt. He gets used to the rich taste of processed foods and they no longer taste as good as they once did. And yet we continue to eat more and more processed foods and we believe that we can no longer enjoy real, whole, healthful foods.
But the good new is that you can retrain your brain to enjoying real food again! And it may be tough at first, but it only takes about 30 days of abstaining from those bad foods. More details on the “instinct diet” and one woman’s story on how it worked for her in the article below.  (more…)
Lap Bands for Teens?

OBB provided me the missing link to optimal nutrition.

Lauranne Before the Optimal Body Balance Program…

Lauranne lost 17.1 pounds of fat and 19.5  inches!!! Wow!

Lauranne After the Program!

“I came into this program knowing about eating fresh foods and staying away from processed foods. But I couldn’t lose fat and gain muscle, even with calorie reduction and exercise. OBB provided me the missing link to optimal nutrition. The program taught me about what foods to combine (and not), what specific foods my body does not digest and which ones are essential, and what I need to eat to bump up my 50-year-old metabolism. My energy level feels like I’m 35 and I can keep up with my toddler grandsons and not tire. I’ve tried other weight loss programs, and this one is the gold standard!”

–Lauranne Bailey

Lap Bands for Teens?

Is your High Blood Pressure Medication Making you Fat?

It is well-known that overweight and obese individuals have higher blood pressure than those who are normal weight. There are many reasons why obesity causes an increase in blood pressure, but now it looks as if some of the drugs designed to combat high blood pressure may actually be contributing to problems with weight. Recent studies have led professionals to believe that blood pressure drugs, specifically older versions of beta-blockers, decrease the body’s ability to burn calories and fat.


Lap Bands for Teens?

Breakfast Really is the Most Important Meal of the Day

Yes, your mom was right, you should eat your breakfast every day. Studies show that eating breakfast regularly has the following benefits:

  • a more nutritionally complete diet
  • improved concentration and performance
  • higher levels of strength and endurance
  • lower levels of cholesterol
  • easier to achieve and maintain a healthy weight

Yes, that’s right, breakfast eaters actually weigh less than their counterparts who routinely skip breakfast. The point here is that achieving and maintaining a healthy weight isn’t all about calories in and calories out. There’s a LOT more to it than that.


Lap Bands for Teens?

Why Your Diet Doesn’t Work… and Ours Does

Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig… I’m SURE you’ve heard of them and you probably know someone who has tried one of these weight loss programs. And maybe they succeeded in losing those pounds and maybe they’ve even been able to maintain their goal weight, which is not usually the case. But what about those people who try one of these programs (or maybe even all of them) with minimal or no results? Why do these program seem to work so well for some while others gain the weight right back and still others see no weight loss at all?
