The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

Skim Milk Does Not Protect Against Weight Gain

Low Fat, fat free and diet food and beverage products do not have a very good track record at helping people lose weight or keep it off. At Optimal Body Balance, we know this. We believe that healthy fat must be part of a well-balanced diet. You have to eat fat to lose fat. You also have to eat fat for your brain to function effectively, to create necessary hormones, to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and to be a happy person. Fat free dairy is a huge thing in our society. Almost any doctor or dietitian you talk to will say that fat free dairy is the way to go — never buy the full fat version. Recently though, there have been a few interesting studies about fat free milk vs whole milk and weight gain in children  (more…)

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

What’s your Diabetes Risk?

Last week, federal health officials reported that only 11% of the 79 million Americans who have pre-diabetes know that they are at increased risk. At Optimal Body Balance, we talk about diabetes and insulin resistance all the time, and we know that everyone has some degree of insulin resistance. In fact, our entire eating plan is designed to balance blood sugar and prevent insulin resistance.  (more…)