Weight Loss Quick Start Guide

Weight Loss Quick Start Guide

Weight loss is a very complex issue for most people. For most of us, it is not simply a matter of eating less and exercising more, as there are underlying imbalances that prevent us from losing or maintaining our weight. We have designed a program called Optimal Body Balance to help you identify the underlying imbalances that may be preventing you from losing weight or keeping it off and then work with you to design a program to help you reach your weight loss goals. (more…)

Ditch the Dairy

Ditch the Dairy

There is much debate over human consumption of dairy products. Many people avoid milk because it contains saturated fat, cholesterol, allergenic proteins, lactose sugar, and frequent traces of contamination, or simply because they don’t feel well after consuming dairy products. Milk is also linked to type 1 diabetes, prostate cancer and other serious conditions. Once more, the inability to digest milk is extremely common – it is estimated that almost 25% of the US population has trouble digesting dairy and that 70% of African-Americans are lactose intolerant—which can cause intense gastrointestinal distress. Finally, unless they’re organic, dairy products can contain the same toxins commercially raised meat does–hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and industrial pollutants.
