by Dr. Oler, ND | Jun 27, 2016 | Health Partner News, Hormone Imbalance, Hormone Imbalances, Men's Health, Natural Weight Loss, Weight Loss, Women's Health
When most people think of weight loss, or more specifically the inability to lose weight, they usually don’t think about the sex hormones. However, the sex hormones – including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA – can play a major role in weight loss and have a significant effect on a person’s weight and ability to maintain or lose weight. Read more…

by Dr. Oler, ND | Jun 21, 2016 | Health Partner News, Trichotillomania
We work with a lot of people that suffer from trichotillomania. Many of them have tried all sorts of behavioral techniques to help them either become more aware of their pulling or to make it more difficult for them to pull. Results seem to vary dramatically with these therapies.
We have found amino acid therapy to be the most effective technique to eliminate the urges to pull associated with trich. However, journaling can help a person become more aware of when they are pulling, which can provide some insight into why they are pulling, which can ultimately help control the habit and urges to pull. Read more…

by Dr. Oler, ND | Jun 17, 2016 | Eating Naturally, Health Partner News, Natural Remedies, Women's Health
Every woman, should she live long enough, will go through menopause. There is a lot of confusion associated with this natural process, especially when it comes to what a woman can do to prepare herself for menopause and ease the symptoms many women experience when they go through menopause. Here are the top seven things women approaching menopause should do to ease their symptoms and make the transition into the non-childbearing years as easy and enjoyable as possible. Read more…

by Dr. Oler, ND | Jun 16, 2016 | Amino Acid Therapy, Health Partner News
Amino acid therapy involves the therapeutic use of specific amino acids and cofactors to help reestablish proper neurotransmitter function. Amino acid therapy is commonly used to help with symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, compulsive behaviors, trichotillomania, addictions, restless legs and even Parkinson’s disease. Read more…

by Dr. Oler, ND | Jun 15, 2016 | Health Partner News, Neurotransmitter Imbalances, Trichotillomania
Most people that pull out their hair – whether it be from their head, eyelashes, eyebrows, arms, legs, armpits or pubic area – don’t talk about it. Many don’t want others to know about their pulling and will go to great lengths to hide it from others.
There are many things that drive people that pull their hair out to keep it from others, including shame, thinking that something is wrong with them or that their behavior isn’t socially acceptable. But it also has an unintended consequence: when people hide their pulling it makes others that pull feel like they are the only ones in the world that do it, and it makes it very hard for those people to find the help they need to stop pulling their hair out. Read more…

by Dr. Oler, ND | Jun 6, 2016 | Amino Acid Therapy, Health Partner News, Restless Leg Syndrome
Many people suffer from something called “Restless Leg Syndrome” or RLS. The most common symptom is feeling a near-constant need to move the legs when at rest, like when they are lying down to go to bed or relaxing in a chair. However, it is also very common for people with RLS to have discomfort and/or pain in their legs that won’t go away or to experience tingling and itching legs, especially at night. Luckily, there are some very effective ways to improve and even eliminate these symptoms. Read more…