Colorful Kale Salad

Colorful Kale Salad

I decided to make this salad because it sounded really healthy — I didn’t expect it to taste so good! It also is a very pretty dish with a ton of color. Just because it’s not summer doesn’t mean you can’t make beautiful dishes with fresh ingredients. This is an awesome way to use fresh local winter produce and it would be a perfect dish to pass.

And I know I said this already, but it tastes amazing. My taste tester who is a self proclaimed vegetable hater loved it.

After his first bite he exclaimed,

“Whoa, what is that!?”

To which I replied,

“Good or bad?”

And he answered,

“Good, very good!”

And proceeded to eat 2 servings. (more…)

Colorful Kale Salad

Lunch at Your Computer Could Make You Fat

What are you doing right now, while you’re reading this post? Hopefully nothing, hopefully I have your complete and undivided attention, but in reality that’s probably not the case. We live in an age of multitasking. We are rarely doing just one thing at a time — and one activity we multitask the most during is meal time. We watch TV during meals, we read the paper, we browse the internet or work at our computers, we play games, drive and talk on the phone while eating. The possibilities are endless.

Most of us have heard (or realized after the entire bag of potato chips is gone and we don’t know what happened) that eating in front of the TV causes us to eat more during that meal or snack. That is because you’re distracted and not paying attention to the signals your body is giving you and you aren’t giving your brain enough cues about what you’re eating.

But it turns out that eating a meal while distracted or multitasking can even make you over consume foods later in the day! (more…)

Colorful Kale Salad

Mix-and-Match Chickpea Salad

I came home from the YMCA the other night, didn’t have anything planned for dinner and didn’t want to spend any time in the kitchen (I had been hoping that someone else would have prepared something in my absence, but that didn’t happen). I stood in front of the cupboards hoping for inspiration and came away with a can of chickpeas. The dish that evolved from that can is extremely versatile. It could be a main dish or a side dish — We ate it with some chicken sausage wraps that were topped with spinach and avocado — and it could include a wide array of different ingredients depending on what you have on hand at that time. Here’s is the recipe for what our salad included but you could go in a million different directions with it so feel free to mix-and-match. And share your winning combination with us! (more…)

Colorful Kale Salad

Last Chance for the Little Black Dress Class!

Do you know that spring is right around the corner?  Are you ready to pull out those warmer weather clothes that show a little leg and show a little arm and show a little more than you want to show?! Do they still fit?

The group class will bring us to the end of May – so you can start June feeling your best and looking great, too! Wouldn’t that be awesome!?

This 13 week group is now starting March 2nd – so you still have time to get in on the fun! We also have a bonus gift that is valued at $150 – yours free when you join this class.


The Little Black Dress Class is the group weight loss class with Optimal Body Balance.  We’ve designed a program that brings together the science of weight loss with the fun of doing it together with friends.

We start your program with an individualized ‘Getting Started Visit’. Then we jump right into the group classes starting March 2nd at 6pm. Each week we will discuss the topic for the week, learn about nutrition, review your food journals, create menu plans, questions and answer sessions, go on field trips, get motivated, learn how to stock your pantry and have fun while learning what your body needs to lose weight for the last time.

Whether you are new to OBB or just need a tune up before spring – this is the class for you! The Optimal Body Balance program is valued at $900 — your group class cost is only $397! Check it out online here!

Contact Sheila Robertson, Program Director, to set up your individual, personalized getting started visit. [email protected] or by phone: 608.274.7044 x 12
Colorful Kale Salad

oMMMMMmmmlete Muffins

Mmmmmm. Just so you’re warned before you being making these: they won’t last long and this recipe only makes 5 muffins, so a double batch might be a good idea. I actually decided to make these muffins on a morning I had to fast for some testing at the doctor’s office, which was a very bad decision. I was able to refrain from tasting them but it was painful.

I’m sharing this recipe with you for a couple reasons. They are SUPER easy and fast to make. They would make an excellent breakfast and are a great way to get in veggies and protein during your first meal. They would also make a great 2nd lunch. And they are delicious. So, here is the recipe.

1/3 cup cottage cheese (I used 2%)
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 1/2 tablespoons water
a couple good shakes of dried dill
1/3 cup chopped smoked salmon
1 tablespoon of almond meal/flour
a handful of fresh spinach, chopped
1 tablespoon grated parmesan (optional)

First, preheat your oven to 400. Here all all the ingredients you’ll need to mix together (except the water). Here I have some Bob’s Red Mill almond meal, which you can find at Whole Foods. We have almond flour available for purchase at the clinic for our clients.

I decided to add the spinach last minute.

So, you mix everything except the parmesan together in a small bowl.

And spoon the mixture into a lined muffin tray. When I make cookies or muffins, I really like to use an ice cream scoop to spoon the batter out; it works really well and cuts down on mess. Bake for 15-18 minutes.

On a side note, I love this brand of muffin liners (If You Care brand found at Whole Foods). They are naturally non-stick so you don’t need to grease them and you can use them without a muffin pan if you don’t have one. You just sit them on a baking tray and pop them in the oven.

While the muffins were baking I freshly grated a little bit of parmesan. This is optional…

When 15 minutes are up, take the muffins out, sprinkle a little parmesan on each and pat it down gently. Then stick them back in the oven for 5 more minutes.

The finished product! Yum!

Colorful Kale Salad

Are you riding the snacking seesaw?

Do you snack? Do you have emergency cookies stashed in the desk drawer or a bag of M&Ms in the glove box? If this sounds familiar you could be sabotaging any efforts to manage your weight. The way you snack is very important to maintaining a healthy weight… if you find yourself snacking often you could be exposing your body to a snacking seesaw effect. Let me explain — often times when we reach for a snack it is something high in carbs (such as the examples above). Eating these high carb snacks creates a spike in our blood sugar levels. When we have high spikes of blood sugar, our body freaks out and over-releases the hormone insulin to counteract the spike in blood sugar. The excessive amount of insulin brings the blood sugar levels down too low. Now that our blood sugar levels are too low, we get hungry again and want another snack! Hence, the seesaw analogy — blood sugar levels are always either too high or too low, causing cravings and overeating.

What you want to do, is keep blood sugar and insulin levels within a normal range. And this can be done by eating balanced snacks. In fact, in the Optimal Body Balance program, we’ve even done away with the word “snack.” We’ve found it much more helpful if you think of everything you put into your body as a balanced meal — which is why our program includes 4 meals a day (breakfast, 1st lunch, 2nd lunch and dinner).

Eating balanced means eating the correct ratios of carbohydrate, fat and protein at each meal. And yes, you need some of each group at EVERY meal for it to be balanced. For example, an apple might seem like the perfect snack… but in reality, an apple is all carbs! So it will do almost the same thing as that cookie did to your blood sugar and insulin levels. Instead of eating the apple alone, slice it up and put some nut butter on it with a side of veggies.

Controlling the seesaw will help you gain much more control of your cravings and overeating. To learn more about eating balanced, meal recipes and ideas and how to find the right balance for you visit our website. We have a session of the Little Black Dress Class starting soon; reserve your spot today!

Source: Life Extension “Curb Compulsive Eating Naturally” August 2010

Colorful Kale Salad

You know you make me wanna shout!

As promised here are a few pictures from the Well Expo! And if you missed the dance mob, or if you just want to relive the excitement again, here is a link for the video!!

Our lovely booth, decorated with all of our beautiful testimonials, free goodies and of course models of fat.

Ann and Sarah, ready to hand out some prizes. We gave away free personal training sessions, metabolism testing, shopping bags, tea mugs, cooking classes and stress-less seminars.

Sheila — very excited to play “spin it to win it”

Taking a break from the booth for some fun.

In addition to the “spin it to win it” prizes, we had a drawing for a FREE spot in our upcoming Little Black Dress class and we are so excited to get started with our new group! There are still spots available — so if you’re interested be sure to reserve your place soon!
If group classes aren’t your thing, your schedule doesn’t match up with ours, or you live too far away, check out the Optimal Body Balance online program

Colorful Kale Salad

Is Your Diet Stressing You Out?

Crash dieting does not work! In fact, crash dieting creates changes in your body that make long-term weight management nearly impossible! We LOVE crash dieting and fad diets in this country because for many people they give fast measurable results. But the reality is that although the number on the scale may give the impression that the diet is working, the changes going on inside your body are very unhealthy and will make is extremely hard for you to maintain the weight loss you achieved with the diet once you stop.

When we talk about crash dieting, we’re talking about a diet that restricts calorie intake significantly for a short period of time. A study recently conducted at the University of Pennsylvania tested this kind of diet on mice. The mice were on a three week diet during which they lost an average of 10-15% of their weight. While the mice were on the diet, researchers found that they had higher levels of stress hormones and showed symptoms of depression when they were in stressful situations. Even more interesting (or scary) is that the mice had altered DNA once they finished the diet! The genes that regulate appetite and stress were changed as a result of the calorie-restricted diet. Researchers also found that once the mice were off the calorie-restricted diet and given a high-fat diet, their appetite hormones went crazy and caused binge eating.

This study seems to be telling us that STRESS may be one of the biggest reasons why crash diets are not successful in achieving long term weight loss. In the Optimal Body Balance program we talk about stress a lot and recognize it as one of the 8 areas of weight loss resistance.

Stress can make you fat!

  • Stress raises the hormone cortisol — cortisol causes you to break down muscle (not fat!) for energy — sugar from the broken down muscle tissue is continuously dumped into the blood stream — resulting in insulin resistance
  • Chronic stress lowers the hormone serotonin and makes you hypoglycemic — resulting in sugar cravings
  • Chronic stress lowers the hormone DHEA; DHEA helps your body burn fat (it also has anti-aging and libido stimulating properties)

Stress also causes behavioral problems such as depression (as mentioned before), anger, mood swings, indecisiveness, panic attacks and excessive use of stimulants, intellectual problems such as forgetfullness and lack of concentration, and physical problems such as chronic fatigue, constipation/diarrhea, headaches, heart palpitations, high cholesterol, hypertension, indigestion, immune dysfunction, insomnia, skin rash, sweaty palms and tight muscles.

Next time you consider a crash diet, really think about the long term complications you may be causing your body. Not only will stress induced by crash dieting make it harder to keep off weight in the long run, you’re also creating hormone imbalances, changing your body composition in a negative way by burning up your muscle (not the fat you actually want to get rid of!!!) and maybe even altering your DNA, yikes!

Colorful Kale Salad

“Making Changes that Last” Teleseminar

How are you doing on those new year resolutions? Good for you if you’re still on track! But for most of us, the reality is that we barely even got started making the changes we wanted for ourselves. If you’ve signed up for a gym membership and still haven’t used it or made the resolution to eat healtheir but let all that good food go bad in the refrigerator, then you should sign up for the “Making Changes that Last” teleseminar! The teleseminar will be at 6pm on Wednesday, February 9th. From the privacy of your home you can tune in and learn the best way to go about making those new years resolutions a reality. Here is some more information about the teleseminar:

New Years is over and most resolutions have already become un-resolved.  You want to live a healthier life but your busy life keeps getting in the way!  How can you get on the right track when temptation keeps dragging you down? What is the key to making changes that last a lifetime?

In the teleconference we will discuss ways to set yourself up for success, give you insight from the hundreds of clients that we have helped reach their goals and to uncover the neuro transmitter imbalances that cause some of the cravings and temptations.

Make your LAST resolution and START living a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Sign up to reserve your spot!

Colorful Kale Salad

Thursday Three-Day Menu Plan

I hope everyone survived the blizzard! I spend most of yesterday shoveling the snow from the sidewalk and driveway into huge mountains in the front and back yard. I also attempted to climb one of the mountains instead of reaching the summit, I sunk in to snow up to my neck.

Anyway, here is the menu plan for this week.

Banana Kiwi Smoothie
Ginger Veggie Smoothie
Spinach and Sun-Dried Tomato Frittata

1st Lunch
Buffalo Chickpea Salad
Avocado Goat Cheese Salad with side of fruit
Asian Noodle Salad with Shrimp

2nd Lunch
Salmon Canapes
Almond Stuffed Apricots with a side of raw veggies or small side salad
Spinach Salad with Almonds and Kumquats

Sunny Side up Lentil Salad
Spice Crusted Salmon with Ginger-Cilantro Yogurt Sauce with side salad
Spicy Turkey Chile Verde with Hominy and Squash

Banana Kiwi Smoothie (serves 2)
1 1/2 cups fresh orange juice
1 banana, peeled, cut into 2-inch pieces
1/2 cup (packed) coarsely chopped kale leaves, center stalk and stem removed
1/2 kiwi, peeled
2 pitted medjool dates, coarsely chopped
scoop of protein powder

  1. Combine all ingredients in blender and puree until smooth.

Ginger Veggie Juice (serves 2)
2 firm pears, stemmed, cut into wedges
1 3/4-inch piece peeled fresh ginger
5 medium carrots, scrubbed (about 1/2 pound), cut into 2- to 3-inch pieces
2 celery stalks, trimmed, cut into 2- to 3-inch pieces
1 baby beet, trimmed, scrubbed
1/2 cup (packed) fresh italian parsley (stems and leaves)
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
scoop of protein powder

  1. Blend all ingredients until smooth, strain the mixture into two glasses and serve.

Spinach and Sun-Dried Tomato Frittata (serves 4)
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 small shallot, chopped
1 cup packed fresh spinach, chopped
4 whole eggs
4 eggs whites
8 sun-dried tomatoes halves, chopped
1/2 cup grated Asiago
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
1/4 teaspoon chopped fresh basil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 cups fresh berries

  1. Heat oven to 425. Grease 4 small baking dishes. Set aside. Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Cook shallot until soft but not brown, 2 to 3 minutes. Add spinach; cook 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat.
  2. Lightly whisk eggs and egg whites in a bowl. Stir in sun-dried tomatoes, cheese, basil, spinach mixture, salt and pepper. Spoon into baking dishes; bake until firm in the center, 12 to 14 minutes.
  3. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.

Buffalo Chickpea Salad (serves 4)
2 cans chickpeas
1/4 cup hot sauce, divided
2 tablespoons oil (I used grapseed)
4 teaspoons hot sauce
juice from one lemon (about 1/4 cup)
2 small cloves of garlic, minced
2 teaspoons honey
big pinches of salt and pepper, to taste
2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
mixed salad greens
1 cucumber, peeled and diced
1 avocado, peeled, pitted and diced
handful or so of grape tomatoes, cut in half
crumbled goat cheese

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and place the oven rack to the upper third position. Place chickpeas on a large, rimmed baking sheet, add 2 tablespoons hot sauce and 2 tablespoons of oil. Toss them together until coated. Bake for 15 minutes then pull a chickpea out to taste. If you like them spicier, toss in additional hot sauce. Return to the oven 15 minutes even if you don’t add more sauce.
  2. Meanwhile, put all dressing ingredients except for the oil in a small bowl and whisk to combine. Add oil in a small continuous stream.
  3. Place all salad ingredients in a large bowl, top with dressing and chickpeas then toss to combine.

Avocado Goat Cheese Salad (serves 4)
1 1/2 cups matchstick-size strips peeled jicama
1/4 cup avocado oil
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 5-ounce package mixed greens
1 large avocado, peeled, pitted, sliced
1 5-ounce package soft fresh goat cheese, crumbled

  1. Toss first 5 ingredients in a large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  2. Add avocado and goat cheese; toss gently. Divide salad among plates.

Asian Noodle Salad with Shrimp (serves 4)
1 6.75-ounce package rice stick noodles
4 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
3 tablespoons fish sauce
4 teaspoons chili garlic sauce
1 pound peeled deveined cooked medium shrimp
1 cup thinly sliced Japanese or Persian cucumbers
1 8-ounce package sugar snap peas, cut crosswise into 1/2-inch pieces (about 2 cups)
1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
1/2 cup (loosely packed) fresh mint leaves
1/2 cup (loosely packed) fresh cilantro leaves

  1. Cook noodles according to directions. Rinse with cold water; drain well. Cut noodles into thirds.
  2. Whisk lime juice, fish sauce, chili garlic sauce in small bowl. Place shrimp in medium bowl. Add 2 tablespoons dressing; toss to coat.
  3. Divide noodles among bowls. Top with cucumber slices and all remaining ingredients. Spoon shrimp with dressing over and drizle with remaining dressing.

Salmon Canapes (serves 8 )
4 ounces goat cheese, at room temperature
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon Sriracha sauce (more to taste)
12 ounces daikon, cut crosswise into 16 slices (1/4 inch thick each)
8 ounces thinly sliced smoked salmon (or lox), cut into 16 pieces
1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives

  1. Combine cheese, juice and Sriracha in a bowl.
  2. Spread a layer of cheese mixture on each daikon slice; top with salmon and garnish with chives.

Almond Stuffed Apricots (makes 24 apricots)
24 dried apricots
1/4 cup toasted almonds
1 clove garlic, smashed
1 tablespoon fresh mint, chopped
3 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice

  1. Slice apricots on one side to form a pita-like pocket.
  2. Grind remaining ingredients in a small food processor until fine. Stuff each apricot with mixture and serve.

Spinach Salad with Almonds and Kumquats
1/3 cup thinly sliced seeded kumquats
2 1/2 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar
2 tablespoons finely chopped shallot
1 tablespoon oil
2 teaspoons minced peeled fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon Asian sesame oil
1 5-ounce package baby spinach
1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 cup sliced mushrooms

  1. Chop enough kumquats to measure 1 tablespoon. Mix kumquats, vinegar, shallot, oil, ginger and sesame oil in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. Add spinach, almonds cilantro, sliced kumquats and mushrooms.

Sunny Side Up Lentil Salad (serves 4)
1 can (14.5 ounces) diced tomatoes, including liquid
1 cup chopped onion
3/4 cup lentils, rinsed
2/3 cup finely diced celery
1/2 cup finely diced carrot
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
2 1/2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon (or parsley)
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 teaspoons olive oil
4 eggs
4 cups mixed baby lettuces

  1. Boil 3 cups water, tomatoes, onion, lentils, celery, carrot and thyme in a medium saucepan. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer until lentils are tender, 20-25 minutes. Drain; reserve cooking liquid. Return liquid to pan; boil over high heat to reduce liquid to 1/4 cup. Add 2 tablespoons vinegar and lentil mixture to liquid; stir over medium heat. Add 1 tablespoon tarragon; season with salt and pepper. Remove from heat but keep warm.
  2. Whisk remaining 1/2 tablespoon vinegar in a bowl with mustard and oil; add salt and pepper.
  3. Set a medium skillet over medium heat. Carefully add eggs so yolks remain whole; cook until whites are set; add salt and pepper.
  4. Toss lettuces with mustard dressing; divide evenly amoung 4 plates. Top greens with 1/4 lentils and 1 egg each; sprinkle with remaining 1 tablespoon tarragon.

Spice Crusted Salmon with Ginger-Cilantro Yogurt Sauce (serves 4)
1/2 cup plain yogurt
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
3 teaspoons fresh lime juice, divided
3 teaspoons olive oil, divided
1 teaspoon minced peeled fresh ginger
1 garlic clove, pressed
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
4 6-ounce salmon fillets with skin
lime wedges

  1. Mix yogurt, cilantro, 1 teaspoon lime juice, 1 teaspoon oil, ginger and garlic in small bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Place fennel seeds and coriander seeds in heavy duty plastic bag. Using mallet, crush seeds. Sprinkle fillets with salt, pepper and seeds.
  2. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add fillets, seed side down. Cook until brown, about 3 minutes. Turn over. Cook until just opaque in center, about 3 minutes. Drizzle with 2 teaspoons lime juice. Place fillets on plates. Top with sauce; servew ith lime wedges.

Spicy Turkey Chile Verde with Hominy and Squash
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 pound spicy fully cooked turkey sausages
1 large fresh poblano chile, stemmed, seeded, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
4 large garlic cloves
1 15-ounce can hominy in juice
1 cup bottled thick and chunky salsa verde (medium heat)
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro, divided
2 cups 3/4-inch cubes peeled butternut squash (8 ounces)

  1. Heat oil in heavy large pot over medium heat. Add sausage. Saute to heat through, about 4 minutes. Add chile and oregano. Press in garlic. Stir 2 minutes. Add hominy with juice, salsa verde, 1/2 cup cilantro and squash. Bring to simmer.
  2. Cover and reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until squash is tender, stirring occasionally, 12 to 15 minutes. Uncover and simmer to thicken, if desired.
  3. Transfer chile verde to bowl. Sprinkle with remaining 2 tablespoons cilantro and serve.

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