by Sheila | Feb 8, 2010 | Areas of Weight Loss Resistance
Enough of this snow and cold already. For you lucky spring breakers, vacation is just around the corner.
Wait, why so glum?
Aren’t you excited about all the sun and the fun?
Oh, I get it. You’re nervous about fitting into that swimming suit. After months of piling on layers of clothes, suddenly you’ve got to climb out and show some skin. Maybe too much skin.
Fear not. You have time before vacation to get yourself in shape. And the 7 Natural Ways to Fit into Your Swimming Suit we’re about to give you is a great start.
But first, I want to tell you about the Optimal Body Balance’s FREE half-hour teleseminar called “The Natural Beach Body,” on February 25 at 7:00 pm.
We’ll be discussing how something called Weight Loss Resistance may be preventing you from getting that natural beach bod. We’ll give you 5 ways to look great in 5 days. And we’ll take a deep dive into the 7 tips listed below.
Again, the teleseminar is FREE. Just visit and you can reserve a spot. The first 25 visitors receive a free Optimal Body Balance “Getting Started” visit.
Ok, on with the 7 Natural way to Fit into Your Swimming Suit!
- Try sea-salt scrubs. Sea-salt scrubs can be a great way to reduce extra cellular water (which creates bloat.) You’ll look slimmer and feel great!
- Drink some cucumber water and/or watermelon juice. These are both natural diuretics, and they’ll help you eliminate the extra cellular water. Carrying less water will feel like a reduction in fat.
- Tighten up the flab with Belly Slim Tone. This cream, made by Life Extension, helps tighten up the skin in your belly, under your arms and any place that’s a tad too jiggly.
- Try a 7-day detox. Out with the toxins, in with a flatter tummy. We recommend Core Restore by Ortho Molecular, which is an easy detoxification that reduces belly bloat.
- Remember that building muscle is as important as burning fat. Resistance training 3 to 4 times a week between now and vacation will make your clothes fit better. You’ll also be burning more body fat all day.
- Cut out the 7 most common food allergens. Follow up the 7-day detox by cutting out the 7 most common food allergens. You’ll feel great!
- Know your numbers. Perhaps most important is to get a Total Metabolism Test. It will tell you how many calories you burn in a day and how much protein you need. The calories will help you regulate how much you’re taking in, and the protein ensures you’re getting the right nutrition while burning fat (not muscle.)
Sea-salt scrubs? Common food allergens? Total metabolism test?
If you’re not sure what some of these items are, check out the FREE 30 minute-teleseminar on February 25, at 7:00 pm, for all the answers. To register, just visit:
Let’s help you find the natural way into that swimsuit. The beach can’t wait!
by Sheila | Jan 20, 2010 | Areas of Weight Loss Resistance, Natural Weight Loss
When I learned that 75% of my Optimal Body Balance clients had lost weight and 19% maintained their weight during the holidays, I had two thoughts.
The first is how proud I am of these people.
The second is that I’m not surprised.
Not surprised? Isn’t it a given that every man, woman and child straps on a feedbag during the holidays and bloats up?
Not in the OBB program, I’m happy to say.
You see, when my clients and I headed into the holidays, we were excited for all the festivities and good time. But we also know that we were in for a heckuva fight. All the sweets. All the eats. All the merry, merry drinks.
We had our work cut out for us, but we took the same tact that we do every day with OBB. We planned. We strategized. And then we celebrated the results.
Here are some of the highlights of how we achieved those amazing numbers:
- Support: We’ve got your back (and your belly)
It all starts with the planning. People joined the program before the holiday season, knowing full well the challenge that lay ahead. They knew going into the holidays that they’d have the support necessary from the OBB program to persevere.
The OBB program was there for them, reviewing their progress every week, and offering the encouragement they needed.
- Strategy: What’s on the menu at Grandma’s house?
So much of eating healthy involves proper food planning. It’s like raising kids: If you put them in a position to fail, often they will. So we made sure no one was in a position to fail.
That meant preplanning when you’d be eating. For example, that would include knowing when you’d be making long trips in the car, and having plenty to eat for the trip (avoiding a lunchtime stop at Culver’s in the process).
- Accountability: The buck stops with you.
We can support and strategize until we’re blue in the face, but ultimately it all comes back to you. By making you accountable, and holding you to it, that 94% record is achievable.
Support, strategy, accountability. It sounds so simple, yet it yields such amazing results.
Seeing my clients hit that 94% mark was one of the greatest holiday gifts I’ve ever received. It’s proof positive that OBB works – even under the most grueling conditions.
Next year, we’ll be shooting for even higher marks and more clients. In particular, I’ve got my eye on a certain gift-bearing fella with a rather pronounced case of gut dysbiosis.
Congratulations to all my clients!
by Sheila | Jan 13, 2010 | Natural Weight Loss, Stress and Weight Loss
One hour and seven minutes. That is how long I walked around the house today with no pants on and no socks on. (ok, ok, ok. that maybe too much information, I know, but I promise you there is a point.) AND our house is COLD! It’s 10 degrees here in Wisconsin and our house in the morning is about 62 degrees…so it is NOT plesant to be bare in there. Brrrr.
Well – I woke up and hit the ground runnin’. My son woke up, our new puppy woke up and everyone needed help RIGHT NOW! I just thought to myself – I won’t slip back into my jammies and slippers – I’ll just get the day going and get dressed! Up an at’ em, right?
One thing lead to another and another and another and another. Max wanted a snuggle and the puppy wanted out. Max needed to get changed. So find his clothes, go potty, get the reward for the potty, play the REALLY fun game of ‘Chase Me Momma While We Get Dressed’ and then breakfast for him. The puppy then wanted to eat. Then Max spilled something. Now the puppy needs to ‘really’ go out. At that point I slipped on my snow pants and boots and took the puppy out. We went to the barn to collect our eggs. When we got back Max wanted to watch ‘toons – got him all set up. At this point I’m freezing and looking for my clothes for the day. Well, they are wrinkled so throw them into the dryer to freshen them up. Then after breakfast I get him all dressed. (underwear, long underwear, coat, boots, etc. ) Then because we are potty training we have a ‘CRAP-tastrophe’ and have to clean him and do it all over again. And on and on and on. An hour and seven minutes later I’m still cold and don’t have on socks or pants because I’m running after what everybody else needs. Sound familiar (OK, the busy part…..not the bare/cold/crap-tastrophe- part.)
My point is that I’m busy. We ALL are busy and sometimes it is difficult to take care of yourself.
The number one concern that my weight loss clients have is that they don’t have much time and that staying on track takes energy, time and preperation. Here are a few things that I talk with my clients about doing every week to keep them on track and to make eating on the fly easier. I am really grateful that I also follow these basic rules, too. Otherwise today would have been an eating disaster, for sure. Now I’m not saying I’m perfect all the time but these basic steps really saved today. We’ll go over some of the basic tips and then I’ll show how they worked out for me today.
Here are some basic tips:
Pre-plan meals and recipes for the week. Then post on your fridge what you have ingredients for. How many times have you gone shopping, dumped it into the fridge and then when dinner time comes you have no idea what to make or why the heck you have a head of cabbage, limes and black beans.
Shop and Chop. When ever you grocery shop – do the ‘Shop and Chop’ method. Bring all your foods home, clean your fruits & veggies, spin your salad greens, organize your fridge, get rid of junk and prep out some of the basic food that you use day in and day out. It takes longer on the day you shop but it saves you so much time and energy during the week.
Have Veggies Ready To Go. Not really a brilliant tip – but, hey, if they are chopped and transportable you are much more likely to eat them.
Pre-Load Snacks. Have emergency snacks that won’t go bad. A favorite of mine is 10 almonds with 3 dried apricots. I usually make up 15 snack baggies of them and leave some at home, work and one or two in my purse.
Double Down. When you cook – double the recipe. Either freeze some in take along containers or just pack them for lunch the next day.
Pack your lunch EVERY night. It feels so good to wake up and know that you have a game plan for the day.
Hydro-Load. Everynight before I close down the kitchen I fill up my 32oz water bottle with filtered water and stick it in the fridge.
Set up back up. Prepare your space. If you spend a lot of time at work – leave items that you can use and eat there.
Here is how all of those steps fell into place for me today.
I meant to make lovely farm fresh eggs with fruit this morning but due to the chain of events – I ran out of time. So, I grabbed one of my snack packs of 10 almonds and 3 dried apricots and took my bottle of water. I grabbed my pre-packed lunch and hit the road.
I had the snack and water in the car on the way to work. One hour after arriving at work I made a smoothie – I stash everything that I need at work (blender, protien powder, frozen fruit, nano greens, rice milk and large cup)
Then for lunch I packed left overs from dinner the night before. I had made chicken saytay, peanut sauce, lots of broccoli and brown basmatti rice. The meal only took 30 minutes to make for supper and then only took 5 minutes to warm up while at work. It is a beautiful and yummy lunch – which is important. If my lunch is boring – I’m much more likely to run out and get a ‘better’ lunch. (that recipe is from the Ultra Metabolism Cookbook. Very Yummy and easy)
I also grabbed some sliced cucumbers from my stash from ‘shopping and chopping’. I have hot herbal teas at work for the afternoon and then supper is already 1/2 prepped out for tonight.
So, not perfect but pretty good. AND I was able to do it even with a crazy morning because of all the pre-planning.
Best of luck – I hope some of these tips help you & get you out of the house on time and with pants on. (uh. I mean with a good lunch)
by Sheila | Dec 23, 2009 | Areas of Weight Loss Resistance, Natural Weight Loss
Happy Christmas!
I wanted to take a moment to wish you all the best this holiday season! It’s a tough time of the year when it comes to weight loss — temptations are at work, school, church, home and food pushers are EVEYWHERE!
I’m so grateful that I work in a place that isn’t loaded down with cheese balls, popcorn balls, rum balls, crab balls, bourbon balls, pineapple-pecan-holiday balls, mini balls and ….well….more.
My clients are doing so great with the temptations – I’m so proud of them and the choices that they are making!
Food is fun and festive. Period space space. Just be aware of what you are eating and MAKE A CHOICE. Be aware of the mindless munching and ‘what the heck’ drinking. Choose, Enjoy, Celebrate. You can always fall back on the 3 bite rule. If there is a decadent treat that you really want have 3 polite bites of it and then move on.
And — this is important — if you choose to eat something off plan or overeat, don’t beat yourself up about it. Just get back on plan as soon as possible.
Remember, you’re only one meal and one workout away from getting back on track!
Have a wonderful holiday! Yours in health, Sheila
by Sheila | Nov 20, 2009 | Areas of Weight Loss Resistance
The holidays.
Why are the holidays a touchy subject? It’s because there’s more to the holidays than just the gifts and the family gatherings.
There’s your body. And if you’re like everyone else, you’re probably wondering:
- How to quickly get your body looking great to impress the family.
- How to keep your body looking great after all the holiday festivities.
Sound like mission impossible, especially with the holidays right around the corner?
It’s not. In fact, our gift to you is that in just 30 minutes, we’re going to tell you exactly how to look good for the holidays, and look even better after the holidays – for FREE!
On December 1, 2009, Dr. Chad Oler will join Sheila “The Weight Loss Comedian” Robertson to provide a FREE “Make it a Happy Holiday” Teleseminar on Weight Loss Resistance.
EVENT: Dr. Chad and Sheila’s FREE “Make it a Happy Holiday” Teleseminar
DATE & TIME: Wednesday, December 1st at 7:00 p.m. Central
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast — it’s your choice)
The event is free and open to everyone! If you’d like to attend, simply click on this link.
Be sure to click on the REGISTER HERE button to reserve your spot at the teleseminar and register for a $50 gift certificate for the Natural Path Health Center!
“I am past halfway on Sheila’s Optimal Body Balance program. Though I eat nutritionally, and felt well-read on nutrition, I’ve been blown away by the amount of new (to me) information that I am getting from this program. Not only has it gotten me thinking about eating differently, I’m now more knowledgeable about all aspects of my physical health – from workouts, to water drinking habits, to the impact of toxicity in my daily life. I love, love, love that I have quantifiable ways of measuring what’s happening in my body BESIDES the scale! I highly recommend the program.”
– Kathy Bailey
So why is this teleseminar such a gift? Because all the problems with weight gain have to do with Weight Loss Resistance.
Huh? Weight Loss Resistance? Never heard of it? We’re not surprised. Most weight loss companies out there would love to keep it that way.
We’re going to let the cat out of the bag. This 30-minute teleseminar will uncover a lot of amazing new insights on weight loss for you, and all you have to do is listen. You’ll learn:
- How you can look great for the holidays in just 5 days! A simple, science based approach to shedding a few pounds SUPER-FAST.
- Why doing all the right things could be preventing you from shedding pounds. Even people who do all the right things are weight loss resistant, which is why they can’t lose pounds.
- Why no one seems to know about the 8 areas of weight loss resistance. Some are scientific, some are amazingly simple. We’ll tell you the science that none of the other “experts” seem to understand.
- How our own Sheila shed 50 pounds. Hear first-hand from our own “Weight Loss Comedian” how the program works – and get ready to laugh in the process.
- What kind of minor shifts can yield dramatic results. We’ll provide you with a few examples of how we put the plan in action, and show you how just some minor tweaks can yield big results.
- Why the wrong exercise routine won’t help you lose weight – it’ll just make you tired.
“I knew that I needed to lose weight when I first came to OBB, plus I wanted to improve my health because of my Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was a fast food junkie since I lived alone, and thought it was too hard to cook for one. I also had a horrible Mountain Dew addiction. My health is better. I have lost about 40 pounds and went down 3 pant sizes. My Rheumatoid Arthritis is under control and will hopefully stay that way. Many of my friends, who did not know me when I was thinner in the past, think I look like a completely different person, but I know that I am looking like I did back in High School.
I owe my new look to OBB. I never thought I would look like this again!”
– Beth Davison, Madison
Sounding great? Here’s the FREE teleseminar information once again:
EVENT: Dr. Chad and Sheila’s FREE “Make it a Happy Holiday” Teleseminar
DATE & TIME: Wednesday, December 1st at 7:00 p.m. Central
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast — it’s your choice)
The event is free and open to everyone! If you’d like to attend, simply click on this link
Be sure to click on the REGISTER HERE button to reserve your spot at the teleseminar and register for a $50 gift certificate for the Natural Path Health Center!
The seminar will feature the science and humor tag-team of Dr. Chad and Sheila Robertson.
- Dr. Chad Oler will present the program’s scientific basis. Many of you have been helped by Dr. Chad’s Natural Path Health Center, and you’ll be fascinated to see how he extends the same approach to weight loss. Listen as he describes the tests he uses to analyze your body and discover the fastest way for you to lose weight.
- Sheila “The Weight Loss Comedian” will introduce you to the lighter side of losing weight and how the Optimal Body Balance program works. Sheila understands first-hand how difficult it can be to lose weight. She’s currently on the program, and she’s shed 50 pounds. She’ll share some of her own funny experiences. Find out how she uses humor to provide the reassurance and moral support you need to lose weight.
We had a great turnout for the Optimal Body Balance open house in October, but we had even more people who said they wanted to come, but couldn’t fit in their schedule. That’s why we’ve put together this special FREE teleseminar.
“Though the program was challenging at times, the amazing support I received helped me stay on track. After 13 weeks, I’ve exceeded my goal weight, and I am much happier and healthier than I was just 3 months ago. Thanks to Optimal Body Balance I now have the tools to maintain it. The program was a complete success, and I would recommend it to anyone who has struggled with weight loss.”
I can’t express my gratitude for giving me back the Lynn that I knew was there!”
– Lynn Behrend
The teleseminar information one last time:
EVENT: Dr. Chad and Sheila’s FREE “Make it a Happy Holiday” Teleseminar
DATE & TIME: Wednesday, December 1st at 7:00 p.m. Central
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast — it’s your choice)
The event is free and open to everyone! If you’d like to attend, simply click on this link
Be sure to click on the REGISTER HERE button to reserve your spot at the teleseminar and register for a $50 gift certificate for the Natural Path Health Center!
We’re excited to have you join us on December 1!
Dr. Chad Oler Sheila Robertson