by Sheila | Oct 23, 2010 | Uncategorized

In the last post we started discussing artificial sweeteners with a focus on aspartame. This post will focus on sucralose, also known as Splenda, and acesulfame K.
Splenda is a relatively new sweetener that has become very popular and is advertised as being “made from sugar.” What Splenda is, is a sugar molecule with three chlorine molecules attached to it. The attached chlorines, make Splenda too large for our bodies to break down properly, so we are unable to get any calories from it. Because Splenda is engineered so that it doesn’t break down, it travels through your digestive tract whole. The molecule is irritating to the digestive tract and can cause immune reactions and diarrhea among other discomforts. On the other hand, if the Splenda does break down, which inevitably some of it will, chlorine is released into your body which can cause health problems such as reduced growth rates, enlarged liver and kidneys and cancer. A lot more research and testing needs to be done on Splenda. There have only been SIX human trials to date with the sweetener and the longest one only lasted THREE months! Another concern with Splenda is that at least 15% of the sweetener is not excreted by the body in an appropriate time. Meaning it’s still in the body somewhere but we don’t know where it goes or what it does. Yikes!
Acesulfame K is another sweetener with very limited human studies. This sweetener contains methylene chloride which is a carcinogen. Methylene chloride can cause headaches, depression, nausea, mental confusion, liver effects, kidney effects, visual disturbances and cancer in humans. That is a pretty heavy list.
Even more concerning is the use of artificial sweetener blends containing multiple different kinds of sweeteners in one product. No research has been conducted on what effects these blends could have in our bodies and there’s no way to tell how these compounds will react with one another. Time and money would be well spent in further research of these sweeteners. Until that research has been conducted it might be a good idea to steer clear of artificial sweeteners.
What are your thoughts are artificial sweeteners? Do you use them? Avoid them? Keep an eye out for our concluding post about why these sweeteners cause weight gain and some great alternatives to artificial sweeteners.
by Sheila | Oct 22, 2010 | Areas of Weight Loss Resistance, Natural Weight Loss, Uncategorized

When trying to lose weight, the majority of people will opt to replace their favorite sodas with the diet versions to cut calories out of their daily intake. In theory, this makes sense and sounds like a good idea. BUT when you look at the research, studies have shown over and over again that drinking soda, both regular and diet, encourages weight gain! What is it about diet sodas that is contributing to weight gain? The artificial sweeteners. Sugar is what gives regular soda its calories, in order to be a diet soda, the sugar has to be removed and it is replaced by artificial sweeteners. These sweeteners are engineered compounds that don’t give us any calories. Aside from unexpected weight gain, artificial sweeteners have many other negative health effects.
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that is found in a wide variety of food and drink. It is also known as Equal, Nutrasweet and Sugar Twin. Aspartame does provide calories when consumed but it is up to 220 times sweeter than sugar. This means very very small amounts are used for sweetening in food products and amounts this small provide virtually zero calories. Even though teeny tiny amounts are being used, aspartame is the most controversial artificial sweetener. 70 % of complaints to the Food and Drug Administration are due to aspartame. Aspartame causes neurotransmitter imbalances. Neurotransmitters are chemicals in your brain that travel to different parts of your body and tell it what to do. They also affect mood, sleep, weight and concentration. Serotonin is an inhibitory neurotransmitter which means it calms the brain and creates balance. Aspartame decreases serotonin levels leading to cravings for carbohydrates (sugar!), insomnia, body temperature changes, headaches and migraines, seizures and moodiness. It also causes an increase in the excitatory neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters stimulate the brain. An increase causes anxiety, dizziness, memory loss, spasms, muscle pain, tinnitus (a ringing in the ears) and blurred vision.
When consumed during pregnancy, aspartame can have lasting effects on the baby. It can lead to mental retardation, impaired vision and birth defects as well as behavioral, emotional and learning difficulties.
In the OBB program, we know that one of the main areas of weight loss resistance is neurotransmitter imbalances. Having the wrong balance of neurotransmitters with not only prevent you from losing weight but also could be causing you to gain more weight. Even if you are not trying to lose weight, knowing about the negative effects of aspartame should make you reconsider some food and beverage choices.
Check back soon for more information on artificial sweeteners — spenda/sucralose and acesulfame K — as well as an explanation of what goes on in your body when you consume these sweeteners and some suggestions on what you should try in place of diet soda!
by Sheila | Oct 20, 2010 | Natural Weight Loss, Uncategorized
You always wonder….hey….how are they doing NOW?! Everytime I look at before and after pictures (usually I’m bawling my eyes out because I LOVE success stories) I wonder – did they keep the weight off?
Happy to announce that Jacquie T. is now down 19 inches and 17 1/2 pounds of fat off. You can check out her story on this video – but she has new bragging stats! Way to go Jacquie!!!!!
by Sheila | Oct 15, 2010 | Areas of Weight Loss Resistance, Natural Weight Loss, Uncategorized
Dawn’s Story
15 pounds and 17 inches in 13 weeks!
Dawn before the OBB program

Dawn after 13 weeks!

“Here I am in week 13 of Sheila’s Weight Loss Program at Natural Path Health Center.
Who would of “thunk” that the answer to so many of our weight loss problems would be solved by something as simple as “clean eating”? Seriously? Yea, seriously! Plain and simple, back to the basics.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that easy. Boy did I ever love sugar! Sweets galore, donuts, carrot cake and brownies. I craved all of them, ate all of them and some days would rather just eat a day of sweets.
All the nutrients and protein I needed were obviously missing. It was much easier after I had a blood test named LRA by ELISA/ACT. I found that I had several food sensitivities. After cutting these out of my diet, within only 1 week I lost inches in my midsection. If I cheated and ate some of my strong sensitivities I paid for it. Runny nose, dry throat, being tired and puffy all came back within almost ½ an hour of eating these foods.
Some I had a clue on bothering me, others I had no idea. For instance: Lemons… I love lemons and always put them in my water, and used in cooking. Cottonseed Oil… was in my coffee creamer, now I know why I was belching after having my coffee. Cottonseed Oil is also in a lot of chocolates and dressings.
I have only lost about 15 pounds, BUT I have lost over 17 inches! I feel so much better, am not puffy, tired or sore. I have a much better self – esteem. Sheila has been wonderful and continuously reminds me how far I have come in the changes I have made.
I did not have a lot of money to spend, but after years of going up & down & not losing any weight; I felt I had to finally take the time for me. I cut back on any unnecessary expenses, ate at home just so I could afford the extra testing for my food sensitivities. Every penny spent was well worth it. Finally an answer. Sheila’s program has changed my life and I highly recommend it.
From day one I have not looked at this program as a DIET, rather as a new style of life and trying to eat as clean as possible. You always have a choice on what you put into your body. You just need to decide which consequence you want to live with. I chose loving myself enough to change the way I was living.
Thanks so much Sheila!”
by Sheila | Oct 13, 2010 | Uncategorized
Happy, Healthy, Holiday Cooking
- When:
- Nov. 10, 2010 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
- Where:
- Whole Foods Teaching Kitchen (register with OBB) – Madison WI
Are you ready for the holiday season? We are! Join us at Whole Foods teaching kitchen to jump in to the spirit eating yummy, healthy, holiday treats.
This class is included in all Optimal Body Balance programs – please reserve your spot early – as this class WILL “sell out” due to space.
Some of the goodies that we are cooking up will be: Coconut Curry Soup, Apple Walnut Salad, Wild Rice, Garlic Green Beans, Sweet Baked Yams, Pomegranate Twist Cocktail, Raw Apple Pie and a few suprises, too! You will not want to miss this hands on class!
Please register by calling 608.274.7044 x 12 to save your spot