The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

10 Rules For Weight Loss

Mind Body Green posted this article a few days ago about top ten rules to live by to lose weight. It emphasizes many of the guidelines we use at Optimal Body Balance. I think it’s great to see this other people spreading this information around; and it’s good to hear the same things from different sources — so please read!



This is what their top ten were:

  1. Keep a food journal.
  2. Drink a LOT of water.
  3. Plan your meals ahead of time.
  4. Watch your portion sizes
  5. Don’t diet.
  6. Ditch the negative self-talk and the naysayers.
  7. Carve time to de-stress and relax.
  8. Sleep at least 7 hours a night.
  9. Move yo’ body.
  10. Be consistent in all your efforts.

For more information on each rule, read the original article. Here is the link to the article again: 10 Rules To Live By If You’re Trying To Lose Weight.