by Dr. Oler, ND | Apr 25, 2013 | Eating Naturally, Natural Remedies, Natural Weight Loss, Naturopathic Health, Nutrition
This post is devoted to fiber, a topic few people would like to spend time talking about, but one that is nonetheless extremely important to your overall health and well-being. So sit back, relax, and enjoy getting a quick course of what fiber is, why it is important and how you can get enough of it in your diet to help you achieve optimal health. (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Apr 23, 2013 | Natural Remedies, Natural Weight Loss, Naturopathic Health, Nutrition
Ironically enough, many people consume a diet that puts a considerable amount of stress on their bodies, in essence creating a chronic stress response. Dieting itself can put a strain on the adrenal glands because it leads to low blood sugar. Americans love to diet; it’s been estimated that 56% of the US population is dieting at any given time and that the average dieter makes four attempts at dieting every year. This can result in wild fluctuations in cortisol levels as the adrenals attempt to regulate your blood sugar. This is very inefficient and sets the stage for chronically low blood sugar, and often, excessive crankiness! (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Apr 22, 2013 | Family, Health and Wellness, Natural Weight Loss, Physical Activity, Weight Loss
Need an excuse to start a garden this spring? A study conducted by the University of Utah found that people who garden in community gardens weigh less than their non-gardening neighbors. (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Apr 18, 2013 | Natural Health Products, Natural Remedies, Naturopathic Health
We are surrounded by chemicals. In fact, toxic chemicals have been detected in EVERY American tested in recent years. And it’s no wonder, in the US alone, we produce over 500 billion pounds of synthetic chemicals each year – that’ s more than four pounds of man-made chemicals for every person in the country EACH DAY. This post will give you some natural alternatives to use to cut down on you and your family’s exposure to toxic chemicals.
by Dr. Oler, ND | Apr 16, 2013 | Natural Remedies, Naturopathic Health
If you are familiar with our program, you know that sleep is king when it comes to weight loss. Here is yet another study that shows the link between sleep and weight.