by Dr. Oler, ND | Jan 7, 2014 | Way of Life
Knowing what to do and doing what you know you should do are often very different things. Once more, many of us don’t know what we should do or what we want to do. This leaves us feeling confused, frustrated and often stuck in how things are today. This post will help you determine what you want to do and outline a process to get there so you can start today working towards your goals. (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Dec 24, 2013 | Natural Remedies, Natural Weight Loss, Nutrition
Remember that ice cream you ate three hours ago? Well now it has been added onto your waist.
As we head into the Holiday season packed full of parties, drinks, appetizers, baked goods, treats, candies, and cookies, think about this: three hours. (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Dec 17, 2013 | Natural Health Products, Natural Remedies, Natural Weight Loss
Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands; it is partially responsible for the “fight or flight” response we often feel when faced with challenging situations (whether they be physical, mental or emotional). Cortisol is a good thing in small doses. However, chronic or excessive stress can cause cortisol levels to remain elevated over time, which has many detrimental side effects, including fat accumulation, muscle loss, fatigue, increased inflammation and decreased immunity. Therefore, keeping cortisol levels in check is very important. (If you don’t know if stress/excess cortisol is negatively affecting your health, find out here.) (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Dec 10, 2013 | Eating Naturally, Natural Remedies, Nutrition
A snack for the whole family. (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Dec 3, 2013 | Eating Naturally, Natural Remedies, Nutrition
Sprouts are a fantastic way to dramatically increase the nutritional value of any meal and should be an important part of your daily diet. The sprouting process activates a number of enzymes within the seed/grain being sprouted; these enzymes in turn help make and release a plethora of nutrients that are otherwise trapped within the food. These enzymes also help the food ‘grow’ (hence the sprout) and are therefore, fully alive. They are also highly nutritious and contain concentrated amounts of nutrients. (more…)