Rethinking Hormone Replacement Therapy for Aging Women

Rethinking Hormone Replacement Therapy for Aging Women

As a woman ages, many changes occur in her body. The monthly menstrual cycle should occur easily without debilitating or unpleasant symptoms such as PMS. The ebb and flow or hormones begins to become more erratic as a woman reaches peri-menopause and menopause, leading to irregular menstrual cycles. Often times, due to imbalances in hormone levels, symptoms are also associated with these phases in life, including hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings and changes in libido. (more…)

Five Factors for Fatigue

Five Factors for Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common health complaints we hear about in the clinic. It’s a symptom with many possible sources, and once serious illnesses have been ruled out, finding the reason for your fatigue boils down to a process of elimination. The good news, however, is that there are safe and natural solutions you can try for just about every possible cause for fatigue. (more…)

Joint Health

Joint Health

The health of our joints impacts our quality of life and determines how active we can be as we age. Degeneration and inflammation of the joints (arthritis) is America’s number one crippling disease, affecting approximately one in three American adults, and is the leading cause of disability among persons over age 15. Luckily, research has shown that arthritis and joint degeneration can be safely and effectively addressed using natural healing methods. (more…)

Increase your Shelf Life – How to get the Trans out of Your Fat Intake!

Increase your Shelf Life – How to get the Trans out of Your Fat Intake!

The media has been buzzing about the negative health impact that trans-fat (a.k.a. partially hydrogenated oils) can have on the human body.  Some cities, such as New York have even gone as far as to require all restaurants to go trans-fat free.   This is a very drastic measure and upon further investigation it seems necessary to protect our health.  (more…)