May is National Osteoporosis Awareness Month

May is National Osteoporosis Awareness Month

One of the most important health issues for middle-aged women is the threat of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become thin, fragile, and highly prone to fracture. Numerous studies have linked estrogen insufficiency to this gradual, yet debilitating disease. In fact, osteoporosis is more closely related to menopause than to a woman’s chronological age. (more…)

Saving Money While Eating Healthy

Saving Money While Eating Healthy

It happens to many of us – we go to our local co-op or grocery store, come out with a couple bags full of delicious, nutritious food and lament at the number at the bottom of the sales recipe. However, eating well doesn’t have to compete with the mortgage. Here are some money-saving solutions so that you can continue to eat healthy without spending a fortune. (more…)