New Year, New YOU – Finding the Drive to Change

New Year, New YOU – Finding the Drive to Change

The beginning of the year is a great time to figure out how you want to improve your life and become more of the person you’d like to be. However, all too often people make only half-hearted commitments and attempts at self-improvement, which inevitably fail. Most often, this is because they really don’t know WHY they want to make changes and/or the reason for making the changes doesn’t really resonate with them deeply enough or aren’t really important enough to make the tough choices necessary to meet their goals. (more…)

How to Change

How to Change

This is the time of year when many people think about the year(s) past and try to figure out how they what things to be different in the coming year(s). This usually revolves around how that person wants to be different – that is, how they can change their behavior and/or way of thinking to create the life that they want. (more…)

Optimal Plan to the Rescue

Optimal Plan to the Rescue

Yes, it is officially holiday season. Christmas is this week. We know that health and wellness goals tend to go out the window around this time. Many people feel too busy to focus on weight loss and find it easier to put it off until the New Year. The Optimal Plan can change that for you. It will allow you to go through the holidays feeling great and you will get a head start on those new years resolutions.

The Optimal Plan is a 30 day program that is simple, tasty, low-cost and extremely effective at helping people lose weight quickly. It takes you step-by-step through every day so you know exactly what and when to eat, gives you recipes and menus for each day and even provides guidance on supplementation and further testing that may help you accelerate your results.

Sounds great, right? It normally costs $47.0o but we have it on sale right now for $29.00. Get it now and don’t just survive the holidays. Purchase the plan here.

This plan brought to you exclusively by our friends at Optimal Body Balance.




Amino Acid Therapy Can Help Lose Weight Thru the Holidays

Amino Acid Therapy Can Help Lose Weight Thru the Holidays

Ah – the holidays – a time of good cheer, getting together with friends and family and wading through a bountiful bonanza of tantalizing foods that can make your buttons burst just by thinking about them for too long. The holidays – which for all practical purposes now stretch from the end of October through the beginning of January – are often a time of strife for those trying to maintain or lose weight. (more…)