Neurotransmitters and Disease – Determining What To Do

Neurotransmitters and Disease – Determining What To Do

In a previous post, I summarized the major neurotransmitters along with their functions and diseases associated with dysfunction or imbalance. It is always a risky exercise to put forth such information as it is very easy to draw erroneous conclusions from looking at such data.

For instance, someone looking at this information that has depression may conclude that they have an imbalance with serotonin and simply need to take a serotonin precursor (such as 5-HTP or L-tryptophan) or a substance that modifies serotonin release or absorption (such as St. John’s Wort or an SSRI medication) to alleviate their depression. In practice, this approach seldom works. (more…)

List of Neurotransmitters – Functions and Diseases

List of Neurotransmitters – Functions and Diseases

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that relay information throughout the brain and body. Of the more than 100 currently identified neurotransmitters, only a few have been shown to have broad reaching effects within the human brain.

Here is a brief comparison of the major neurotransmitters, accompanying functions and diseases associated with dysfunction. (more…)

Neurotransmitter Imbalances – How Brain Chemistry Impacts Everything

Neurotransmitter Imbalances – How Brain Chemistry Impacts Everything

Neurotransmitters help the body communicate with itself and direct most of the bodies functions. They are like little chemical messengers that relay information to and from the brain millions of times daily. Unfortunately, imbalances in neurotransmitters can create a whole host of problems, including depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, difficulty sleeping, compulsive and/or addictive behaviors, cravings for sweets, increased or insatiable hunger, increased pain (like in fibromyalgia), chronic fatigue, the urge to pull out hair (as in trichotillomania), migraines, poor memory, inability to focus or concentrate, weight gain/inability to lose weight, restless legs, Parkinson’s disease and many gastrointestinal imbalances (including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis). (more…)

Homeopathic and Naturopathic Solutions for Depression

Homeopathic and Naturopathic Solutions for Depression

There are many natural approaches to try and eliminate depression. Everyone responds to these approaches differently, but there are many common homeopathic and naturopathic solutions that work for a wide number of people.

Form a homeopathic perspective, each person has just one remedy that fits their particular situation at any given time, so it is important that a person wanting to use homeopathic remedies for depression to consult with a homeopath or a naturopath that can help them determine the correct remedy to use. (more…)

Depression – Addressing the Cause to Find a Solution

Depression – Addressing the Cause to Find a Solution

Depression is a major problem in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control 9% of the US population report occasional depression (over 28 million people) and 3.4% suffer from major depression (almost 11 million people). Once more, antidepressants are the most prescribed drugs in the United States, with the CDC reporting that almost 30 million people fill 164 million prescriptions for antidepressants every year. (more…)