The Vacation Prescription – Essential Elements to get the Most Restorative Bang for Your Buck

The Vacation Prescription – Essential Elements to get the Most Restorative Bang for Your Buck

The human body is designed to have regular rest – daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Hence, the importance of getting enough sleep, enjoying your weekends, and taking some time off throughout the year to get away. That can be a hard thing to do in a country where people are often judged by what they can accomplish. In fact, this attitude that “time is money” and the “early bird gets the worm” have made us some of the top workaholics in the world. However, without sufficient restful and restorative getaways, all that stress and hard work are certain to damage our health and limit the pleasure of our productivity. (more…)

Supplement Quality – How to Tell if You are Getting What you Pay For – Part 3

Supplement Quality – How to Tell if You are Getting What you Pay For – Part 3

Part 2 of this three part series highlighted how looking at the label and learning more about the form of vitamin E used in a product, as well as how the fish oils are processed, can give you significant clues about the quality of your supplements. This final installment will provide you some additional resources where you can go for more information. (more…)