by Dr. Oler, ND | Sep 17, 2020 | Fatigue |
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms we see on a daily basis. After we run the standard medical screening tests for fatigue, the very next thing we look at are current and recently discontinued medications, as there many medications that are known to cause fatigue.
by Dr. Oler, ND | May 21, 2020 | Allergies, Food Allergies, Immune System
May is Food Allergy Action Month, so we thought we’d take some time to outline your options in regards to food allergy/hypersensitivity testing. With so many choices out there, knowing the pros and cons of each testing method can help you decide which test is right for you.
by Dr. Oler, ND | Apr 16, 2020 | Cleansing, Detox, detoxification, Food Allergies
Detoxification programs can vary dramatically. Here is a simple 3-day, food-based detoxification program that you can do over a long weekend to get a jump start on spring-cleaning.
by Dr. Oler, ND | Apr 7, 2020 | Health and Wellness, Immune System, Inflammation, Insomnia |
Melatonin has well known anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects; it has also been shown to be protective against the acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by viral and other pathogens. There is significant data showing that melatonin limits virus-related diseases and would also likely be beneficial in COVID-19 patients.
by Dr. Oler, ND | Mar 26, 2020 | Health and Wellness, Men's Health, Women's Health
It seems like the two fit hand-in-glove – dry, itchy skin and winter that is. Most people slave on handfuls of lotion to try and make the itching tolerable; while this may work for a short while, it doesn’t help long term. Luckily, there are several natural therapies that can help.