Amino Acid Therapy: Heal Underlying Causes of Chronic Conditions

Amino Acid Therapy: Heal Underlying Causes of Chronic Conditions

When most people think about neurotransmitter imbalances, they think of things like depression, insomnia and obsessive-compulsive disorders. That’s because the medications used to treat these disorders often try to shuffle around neurotransmitters in an attempt to relieve symptoms.


Can I Stop Pulling My Hair Out Without Psychotherapy?

Can I Stop Pulling My Hair Out Without Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be very effective at dealing with the behavioral aspects of trichotillomania and the urges to pull. In fact, many people have found psychotherapy invaluable to help them stop pulling their hair and/or picking their skin by helping them become aware of their impulses and then making a conscious choice about how they can make it harder for themselves to pull. What psychotherapy does not do, at least not for most people, is get rid of the urges to pull. For many people, additional support is needed to do this. Read more…

Take an adrenal stress test to see if adrenal function is affecting your health

How to Grow a SCOBY at Home

How to Grow a SCOBY at Home

If you love Kombucha, and are not loving the price tag that comes along with store bought Kombucha, you may want to try making this fermented tea at home. The challenge that initially presents itself (besides patience) is where to get a SCOBY or a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. Cultures for Health offers a starter kit as well as supplies but if you’re in the mood to do things the old fashioned way (sort of), keep reading…


How to Make a Batch of Kombucha at Home

How to Make a Batch of Kombucha at Home

Kombucha is one of those beverages people either love or maybe not so much.

Here at Natural Solutions for Healthy You, we love Kombucha. If not for the natural source of probiotics created through the fermentation process, then for the mad scientist feeling you get growing microorganisms in a jar on your kitchen counter (AKA the lab). It may not sound very appetizing to some, but if you love natural processes you may end up falling in love with the end product.
