Road Trip? How to Incorporate Exercise While Traveling

Road Trip? How to Incorporate Exercise While Traveling

Nothing can get a person out of their routine like travel. Whether it be for work, play or somewhere in-between, travel disrupts our normal schedule, which can make exercise and eating well a little more complicated.

Luckily, you don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to exercise while traveling. In fact, everything you need is likely available to you wherever you are; you just have to be a bit more creative.

Exercises You Can Do While Traveling

When you are on the road, think about doing exercises that hit the big muscle groups in opposing directions – meaning you want to do pushing and pulling exercises for each of the main muscle groups in the upper and lower body.

This may look like doing push-ups and bent over rows for the upper body along with squats and/or lunges and reverse leg curls for the lower body along with core exercises. These exercises can be done almost anywhere while traveling and are a great way to stay in shape and reduce stress while you are away from home.

To make sure you have proper form and technique while doing these exercises, check out this series of videos:

They provide some great instruction on how to do the exercises listed above, and provide a progression you can follow as you get stronger.

You Don’t Have To Give Up Exercise While Traveling

Yes, traveling will disrupt your normal routine (unless your routine is traveling); however, this doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise and/or stay in shape while you are on the road. Use this series of exercise videos: to help you keep active and fit while traveling and enjoy your time away from home.

Use Journaling to Keep Track of Urges to Pull

Use Journaling to Keep Track of Urges to Pull

We work with a lot of people that suffer from trichotillomania. Many of them have tried all sorts of behavioral techniques to help them either become more aware of their pulling or to make it more difficult for them to pull. Results seem to vary dramatically with these therapies.

We have found amino acid therapy to be the most effective technique to eliminate the urges to pull associated with trich. However, journaling can help a person become more aware of when they are pulling, which can provide some insight into why they are pulling, which can ultimately help control the habit and urges to pull. Read more…

Journal page to help with urges to pull hair

Top 7 Things Women Approaching Menopause Should Do to Ease Symptoms

Top 7 Things Women Approaching Menopause Should Do to Ease Symptoms

Every woman, should she live long enough, will go through menopause. There is a lot of confusion associated with this natural process, especially when it comes to what a woman can do to prepare herself for menopause and ease the symptoms many women experience when they go through menopause. Here are the top seven things women approaching menopause should do to ease their symptoms and make the transition into the non-childbearing years as easy and enjoyable as possible. Read more…

Download a 1 day sample of the Hormone Balancing Diet

“I’m Pulling My Hair Out!” — Asking for Help

“I’m Pulling My Hair Out!” — Asking for Help

Most people that pull out their hair – whether it be from their head, eyelashes, eyebrows, arms, legs, armpits or pubic area – don’t talk about it. Many don’t want others to know about their pulling and will go to great lengths to hide it from others.

There are many things that drive people that pull their hair out to keep it from others, including shame, thinking that something is wrong with them or that their behavior isn’t socially acceptable. But it also has an unintended consequence: when people hide their pulling it makes others that pull feel like they are the only ones in the world that do it, and it makes it very hard for those people to find the help they need to stop pulling their hair out. Read more…

click to download the free report on "Why You Can't Stop Pulling Hair"