Brisk Walking May Be the Best Exercise
Those that like to walk regularly for exercise may already know that brisk walking is closely linked with a longer life, but they may not know why…
(more…)Those that like to walk regularly for exercise may already know that brisk walking is closely linked with a longer life, but they may not know why…
(more…)Research has shown that some habits, like watching TV, as well as eating certain foods – even in moderation – can cause a person’s weight to creep up over time. Eliminating these habits and foods can help a person avoid the dreaded ‘weight creep’ that many people experience, where they seem to have gained weight “for no apparent reason”.
(more…)Ever had a night like this? You swing by the store to pick up just one thing, but as you wait in line at the checkout a chocolate bar or bag of chips catches your eye. You know these aren’t good for you but you feel compelled to buy them anyway and scarf them down in the car on the way home. Here are some tips to break this unconscious cycle and get your brain out of binge mode.
(more…)Periodic cleansing can help the body function optimally by allowing you to ‘clean-house’ as your diet and lifestyle change throughout the year. Spring-time is often associated with liver detoxification. While there are many ways to help the liver perform it’s many functions, simple cleanses often work the best.
(more…)When asked, most people will tell you that they know what they should be eating, they just don’t do it. As a clinician, I asked myself, “How can we help these people make the dietary changes they know will improve their health?” It turns out, the answer was very simple.