I recently came across an email a client shared with me as she was going through treatment for breast cancer. It contains some great insights that I’d like to share with you. Once you finish reading it, just sit with whatever comes up for you in silence for a few minutes – enjoy.
“How many times did I tell my body that I was planning on giving it only excellent, nutritious food; or that I was going to walk it, or take it for a bike ride, or give it a massage? Then I didn’t do it, or did it for only a little while.
How many times did I look in the mirror and only see what was wrong, instead of what was really right about me? How many times did I not listen to the my body’s clues and stay in the sun too long, or stay up too late, or sleep too little, or push too hard, or eat too much or forget to water it?
It is interesting to think about these things and the relationship I’ve had with myself – I’ve begun to see my body as this truly amazing gift. I want to care for her, nourish her, exercise her, express gratitude to her and deepen my relationship with her. My God, I have put her through a lot over the years, and especially in the last several months! And look how well she has performed! Right now, I am doing a standing ovation for this body – Bravo – well done!
So this week, I have made better food choices and remembered to take nearly all of my supplements. I have walked, ridden my bike, taken yoga classes, given a few massages, meditated and remembered to get some sleep. My body is amazing.
One other insight was really more of a reminder – that I am the creator of my life and I get to choose how I experience it. I have the ability to not be impacted so much from the outside world as I am from my internal world. I get to choose – mentally and emotionally – how I will move through my day, regardless of outside influences.
I’d be lying to you if I said I have this one down pat. I need reminders all the time. It’s so easy to blame others, or make excuses, or just plain forget. I have messages all over my home now – and in my car – to remind me of this simple and yet profound truth. No more being a victim to outside influences. I always have a choice as to how to react or move with things. Always.”