Traditionally, a naturopathic doctor used the systematic application of natural healing methods to determine and address the root causes of a person’s disorder or disease(s). They were as much teacher as investigator, striving to bring harmony, health, happiness and peace to their clients. Today, naturopathic practices can vary dramatically in range and scope to include such conventional practices as medications and even minor surgery. However, every naturopathic doctor is guided by seven core beliefs that make up the Naturopathic Philosophy.
- First and foremost, do no harm
- Second, we believe in the healing power of nature
- Third, we try to identify and address the cause of disease or dysfunction
- Fourth, we see the Doctor as a Teacher
- Fifth, we try and address the whole person – body, mind and spirit
- Sixth, we use first the therapy which requires the least force
- And seventh, we practice prevention first and work towards prevention as the end goal.
Over the next four posts, we will elaborate on each of the beliefs that make up the Naturopathic Philosophy.