Watermelon Flush

Focusing Within

Combining kidney supportive herbs with seasonal eating strategies gives us an excellent foundation for winter health, which we can supplement with immune strengtheners as needed. It is important to also pay attention to the notion of being more inward and contemplative during the winter season. Rejuvenating our forces should be our main emphasis for this time. The psyche is a major force in our physiological health and if it is going against the trend of the season and of our other health practices, we will not get the results we desire. This means being aware of how much energy we are directing outwards, keeping the balance in favor of gathering energy into the deepest parts of ourselves. This is the spiritual analogue to what occurs in nature during this season.

Cleansing with the Seasons

Following the seasons is as natural as passing time. Our ancestors knew instinctively to do this, as they modified their diet and lifestyle with the changing seasons. We can dramatically improve our health by learning from them and listening to the natural cycles that all life follows. Therapeutic cleanses can and should be initiated anytime throughout the year based on an individuals needs. However, everyone can benefit from the natural cycles our bodies go through by preparing for the change of seasons with the appropriate cleanses. Just ask one of our staff how you can benefit from these systemic cleanses and get on your way to feeling and being healthier!

Watermelon Flush

Watermelon is wonderful diuretic and eating watermelons exclusively during this cleanse helps to rid the colon of a lot of debris. In addition, the extra water picks up toxic materials and carries them off via the kidneys, effectively flushing the kidneys as well.

Before Watermelon Flush:

  1. Eat only raw fruit and vegetables the evening before the fast
  2. Purchase about one watermelon per person per day. An ideal length for this cleanse is 2-3 days, but you can modify this according to your schedule.  You will be eating nothing but watermelon for the duration of the cleanse; eat watermelon instead of regular meals at mealtime and whenever else you become hungry. It is also important to drink 8-10 glasses of distilled water throughout the day and relax/perform only light exercise throughout the day.

During the Watermelon Flush:

  • Eat only watermelon during the flush and drink only watermelon juice, watermelon seed tea, herbal teas, and distilled water. This is a FLUSH, so drink often!
  • Chew each mouthful of juice by swishing it around in your mouth before you swallow. This will mix the juice with adequate saliva to aid digestion.
  • You may feel weak/ill during the fast; your body is using its energy to cleanse and eliminate toxins from your body. Rest as much as possible during the flush, taking 1-2 naps each day.
  • Perform some light aerobic exercise and stretching each day, which could include walking, jogging, biking, etc.
  • Get plenty of direct sunlight and fresh air during the three days.
  • Do not use deodorants/anti-perspirants, chemical soaps, etc. during the three days; they will inhibit the body cleansing.
  • Use a natural fiber, abrasive sponge to slough off dead skin cells and take a warm shower/bath 1-3 times each day.
  • Sweating will help with cleansing. If it is warm outside, sit outside, sweat and take in the rays for a little while. Include regular steam baths throughout the day and be sure to drink plenty of distilled water.

Do the following each day during the cleanse:

  • Relax and meditate. As you do so, write down whatever comes up for you. Specifically explore any fear issues that come up. The kidneys correlate strongly with the emotions of fear, and as you are flushing the kidneys, you will inevitably bring up some of these repressed feelings and emotions. Pay particular attention to any things that come up that you may have been holding on to – write it down, talk to a friend or recorder, and express how you feel. Just giving these emotions and repressed states a voice will help you determine your appropriate next step(s). Once you have allowed yourself to work through these emotions/states, determine what you should do next, if anything. After you are done, be thankful for being able to uncover and express these states, thereby taking more control of you life and releasing some if not all of the stored hurt and fear. Take measures to begin reaffirming your power in your life – small steps every day are very powerful and easy ways to do so.
  • Skin brushing – use a natural-bristle, dry brush on dry skin. Do circular motions moving steadily and slowly toward your heart, making sure to cover every inch of skin multiple times. Begin with your feet and work your way up to your chest; then work inward from your hands to your chest. Avoid any areas that are sensitive or inflamed (such as the breast, neck and/or face. Do this 1-2 times daily.
  • If possible, use a Chi machine for 10-20 minutes with the hot house over your lower back. After the Chi machine is done, you may remain under the hot house for an additional 10-20 minutes. OR
  • Split up Chi machine and hot house usage – 10-20 minutes on Chi Machine and 30-45 minutes under hot house.
  • Footbaths/reflexology – do a 10-20 minutes foot soak in warm/hot water. Add one or more of the following to the footbath based on your needs: ginger to stimulate, apple cider vinegar to pull out uric acids, Epsom salts to remove excess fluids/toxins or lavender to soothe. After the footbath, stimulate reflex points on each of your feet for kidney, liver and colon.
  • Relax and read something soothing, enlightening or fun.
  • If it is a nice day, go for a walk outside and practice deep breathing exercises while you walk. If you remain inside, practice deep breathing exercises multiple times daily.

After the fast:

  • One key to remember is that you will gain the most benefits from a fast/flush/cleanse by breaking the cleanse correctly. This means not putting too much strain on your digestive system right away thereby allowing your body the energy it needs to continue cleansing after the flush. The less time and energy the body spends on digestion, the more energy it can devote to detoxification. Begin incorporating foods back into the diet as outlined below. You have just helped the body to get rid of a great amount of toxic material; now you can begin rebuilding and repairing without being hindered by these obstacles. As you incorporate new foods back into the diet, be conscious of how the foods make you feel (physically, emotionally and mentally). Do you want to feel this way?
  • On the day after the fast, eat only fresh fruit for breakfast and lunch, adding a light raw vegetable salad for dinner. The next day, you can add more fruit and vegetables; do not eat any meat for at least 2-3 days, as it is very hard to digest.
  • Adequate high quality protein is essential for proper rebuilding. Good sources of protein include: brewer’s yeast, homemade raw cottage cheese, sprouted seeds and grains, and raw nuts, especially almonds. Fish and free-range fowl can also be incorporated after several days.
  • Do NOT overeat – eat small frequent meals. Overeating places undue burden on your liver, which hinders detoxification. It also leads to improper and poor digestion and an acidic body condition.
  • Avoid all saturated, hydrogenated & partially hydrogenated, or denatured fats; add good quality oils back into the diet after 2-3 days.
  • Exclude all processed, canned and refined foods.
  • Eliminate salt from the diet.
  • Avoid aspirin.
  • Cook with olive oil and eat lots of garlic and onion.
  • Drink plenty of freshly made juices daily – at least 1-2 servings. Drink carrot juice and parsley tea whenever possible. Add the following to carrot juice to help with kidney function: beet and beet top, cucumber, celery, & parsley.
  • Try and eliminate red meat from the diet. White fish and/or chicken 1-2 times/week are okay.
  • Eliminate as many dairy products as possible. As a substitute for butter, try some fresh olive oil.
  • Do not eat any products made with sugar or white/bleached flour.
  • Take a fiber supplement every night before going to bed.
  • Use raw honey as sweetener (we now have raw honey at the center!J).

Congratulations!!! You have just completed another major phase in your journey towards better health and vitality. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated at the Natural Path Center, so please feel free to contact us. Thank you for allowing us the privilege of working with you along your natural path to optimum health!