“Being healthy” means a lot of different things to different people. However, in general, vibrant health means having the physical, mental and emotional stamina you need to do what you need to do, with enough left over to enjoy what you want to do on a regular basis. With that in mind, here are nine dietary and lifestyle guidelines to help insure you can achieve and maintain vibrant health:
Remember to Drink at least 8 Glasses of Filtered Water Daily
Our body is comprised of 50%-75% water, and is used for so many things, including transporting nutrients, removing wastes and digestive processes. It is truly essential to life!
Chew Your Food and Take Time to Eat
Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth and chewing your food completely before swallowing puts less stress on your digestive system. Hint: Put your fork down between bites and pick it back up after you have completely chewed and swallowed the previous one.
Choose Whole Organic Foods
Whole foods are in the state nature intended. Whole foods are not processed and are nutrient dense. Also, avoid toxins and eat organically. This includes not only produce but also meat, eggs and dairy. It is good for the environment too! Use the “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15” to help you make choices on which produce to buy organic.
Eat the Rainbow – Increase Vegetable and Fruit Intake
Eat at least 7 servings per day, focusing on veggies! They are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They help cleanse and alkalize the body. Organic is always best.
White flour and sugar are extremely processed and stripped of all of their nutrient value. Choose Whole Grains, such as, brown rice, steel cut oats, barley, spelt, quinoa, millet, kamut, and rye (sprouted is best). Artificial sweeteners are toxic and poisonous to your body. Choose Naturally Sweet Treats, such as, fresh fruit, apple sauce, agave nectar, raw honey, stevia or xylitol.
In need of an oil change? Watch for Trans-Fat/Hydrogenated Oils
Check labels for hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated oils, and margarine. These oils are hazardous to your health. Eat more omega-3 fatty acid rich foods, including fish, walnuts, olive oil and avocados.
Mix it Up
Consume a wide variety of seasonal local foods. Hint: Local farmer’s market or fresh from the garden during the spring, summer and fall!
Get Moving
Try to exercise at least 3 times per week for a half hour. It is good for both body and soul. Literally keeps things moving!
Enjoy Life – Have Fun, Breathe Deep, Smile and Laugh!