Join Dr. Chad Oler, ND and Sheila Robertson, Nutrition Coach
for a free, phone in, class on detoxification
Monday July 11th at 5:30pm
We are surrounded by toxins. We ALL have toxic burden due to the environment in which we live, the air we breathe, the food we eat and the medications that we take, etc. It is important to cleanse your system at least 4 times a year to eliminate toxins, cleanse your system and to increase energy. We will cover the essential steps in doing a healthy detoxification and give you a complete plan to use for your own 7 or 10 day detox.
How do you know that you need to detoxify your body? Here are some questions to ask yourself…If you say yes to many of these questions – it is time.
- Do you often feel tired or have a lack of energy?
- Do you have sore muscles for no apparent reason?
- Have you recently lost fat (not muscle)?
- Do you have difficulty concentrating?
- Are you easily irritated or feel moody?
- Do you have trouble sleeping?
- Do you wake up feeling unrefreshed?
- Are you trying to lose weight?
- Have you hit a weight loss plateau?
- Do you feel bloated or gain weight easily?
- Do you have digestive or intestinal discomfort?
- Do you have occasional mild headaches?
- Do you feel like you’re hot as healthy as other people your age?
- Do you commonly experience ‘brain fog’, fatigue or drowsiness?
- Do you feel like you need a kick start or a jump start on a healthy program?